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Q: What percentage of the allied aircraft destroyed in the battle of Britain were by the German antiaircraft guns and not Italy and the other axis allies in the battle of Britain and blitz?
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How many British planes were destroyed in August in the Battle of Britain?

It is estimated that Britain lost about 900 aircraft during the Battle of Britain and Germany lost in the region of 1700.

Is it true that the Germans experimented with Italian and other axis antiaircraft weapons and crews in the Battle of Britain and the blitz?

No. In the Battle of Britain and the blitz, the Germans were engaged in offensive operations and did not use antiaircraft weapons, although they certainly had them emplaced to defend their facilities. Antiaircraft weapons were an important part of that the British used to defend against the German attacks.

What was the Battle of Britain primarily fought with?


Were the Axis air force of Hungary Romania and Bulgaria involved in the blitz in battle of Britain?

No. Hungary, Rumania & Bulgaria did not become real Axis partners until after the late-summer 1940 Battle of Britain. They assisted Germany in the invasion of Yugoslavia & Greece in April 1941, and then in the invasion of the Soviet Union starting on 22 June 1941. During the Battle of Britain, Italy did send a small force of fighters & bombers to assist Germany. These Italian aircraft did participate in a few aerial attacks on England in the late summer of 1940.

How many Allied aircraft were destroyed by the Italian Air Force in the Battle of Britain?

Ummmm roughly speaking I'd hazard a guess at precisely.... none ! I don't think the Italian air force was in any way involved in the Battle of Britain.

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Were Italian and other European axis antiaircraft weapons and air defense crews used more in the low countries rather than France in the battle of Britain and blitz?

The only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in LuftwaffeThe only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in Luftwaffe

How many Freccia Fiat 50 Italian planes were destroyed in the Battle of Britain by antiaircraft guns?

Am I missing something? When were there any Italian aircraft during the battle of Britain? No, I would think you are missing nothing at all.... = I did a little research and you are right the Corpo Aereo Italiano took part in the Battle of Britain, if only in limited action....look on wiki for Corpo Aereo Italiano and your answer is there = = = = Actually destroyed by AAA no idea = = =

How many British planes were destroyed in August in the Battle of Britain?

It is estimated that Britain lost about 900 aircraft during the Battle of Britain and Germany lost in the region of 1700.

Is it true that the Germans experimented with Italian and other axis antiaircraft weapons and crews in the Battle of Britain and the blitz?

No. In the Battle of Britain and the blitz, the Germans were engaged in offensive operations and did not use antiaircraft weapons, although they certainly had them emplaced to defend their facilities. Antiaircraft weapons were an important part of that the British used to defend against the German attacks.

How many Italian aircraft were destroyed in accidents by anti aircraft fire by barage balloons by Allied airfield bombing on the ground as well as dogfights in the battle of Britain?

Could you be a little more specific?

Were romanian Hungarian Bulgarian axis aircraft used offensively in the battle of Britain and blitz by and for test pilots reconoicense patrol surveillance escort duty in the battle of Britain and bli?

The only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in LuftwaffeThe only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in Luftwaffe

Did the luftwaffe use romanian Hungarian and Bulgarian pilots and aircraft in the blitz and battle of Britain to defend France and the low countries?

The only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in LuftwaffeThe only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in Luftwaffe

How many aircraft and pilots did the Italians lose in defending France and the low countries when the allies led by the raf counter attacked in the blitz and battle of Britain?

The only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in Luftwaffe. The Italians had no part in the blitz or in the Battle of Britain.The only aircraft that fought in Battle of Britain were British aircraft in RAF and German aircraft in Luftwaffe

What weapons was used in the battal of Britain?

Machine guns in fighter and bomber aircraft, bombs in the Luftwaffe aircraft and anti-aircraft guns in Britain.

Is it true that the Germans experimented with Italian and other axis antiaircraft weapons and air defense crews in the battle of Britain and blitz?

No, that is not true.

How many aircraft from the Canadian and South African air forces were supplied and served in combat with the allies in the battle of Britain?

None, all of the aircraft in the RAF during Battle of Britain were produced in Britain.None, all of the aircraft in the RAF during Battle of Britain were produced in Britain.

How many Italian planes did the allies destroy in the air and on the ground when they counter attacked in the blitz and battle of Britain?

Italian aircraft were not involved in the Battle of Britain at all.Italian aircraft were not involved in the Battle of Britain at all.