

Best Answer

There is no certainty to this issue but probably 30% is close. Due to falsification of records after the war, lack of clear census data, etc. there is no way to get a correct answer to this question.

Answer 2

About 30-35%. There was no 'falsification of records'.

Answer 3

Estimates of the world's Jewish population as of 1939 are about 16.5 million. There were about 11 million as of 1949. Given that a normal birth and Death Rate for that population, 16.5 million should have grown to about 18 million over that same time period. Reputable estimates of the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust are about 6 million. That's very much in line with the above numbers - i.e. if you started at 16.5 and should have ended up at 18, but really ended at 11, that's 6 in deaths (and the associated births that did not happen because of the extra deaths).

So, 6 / 16.5 = 36%

Note that we have no way to accurately count the worldwide population. All numbers in that regard are statistical analysis of various populations at the time, and thus, are approximations.

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7y ago
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11y ago

In Europe, before the start of World War 2 there were about 9.3 million Jews. About 6 million perished in the Holocaust, which gives a percentage of about 64.5%.

Worldwide, there were about 16 million Jews in 1939, of whom nearly all those who were killed lived in Europe. Nearly all the Jews killed in the Holocaust lived in Europe: 6 million/16 million gives of 37.5%.

These percentages should be taken as approximations only, especially as there are differing defintions of 'Jewish'. The Nazis used a 'racial' definition, but for most purposes Jewish religious organizations used definitions based on religion.

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15y ago

In 1938 there were about 9.4 million Jews in Europe and about 6 million were murdered - in other words, about 64%.

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12y ago

About 6 million Jews were killed in the holocaust alone in WWII which is about 11% of all Jews in population during the years of 1939-1945

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10y ago

1/3 of world Jewry.

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9y ago

The accepted figure is about 35%.

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4y ago

Fifty percent

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Q: What percentage of the Jews were killed in the Holocaust?
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about 5.1 million gypsies, non Jews and prisoners of war, especially Russians. --- If one takes takes 11 million as the figure for the total number killed in the wider holocaust - that is including the groups listed above, and about 6 million Jews, then 6/11 would give a percentage of 54.5% Jews.

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