It seems that many ancient Celts used horned helmets, also, Romans have depicted germanic peoples wearing them as well, there is a theory that these were only ceremonial.
During the middle ages many Knights had horns of different shapes on their helmets.
A horned viking helmet has never been found, but as Ian Malcolm says: Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
he wore a cloak wih pants
they had secret helpfrom france, best military leader (george washington) and familar wih the home ground
The answer posted here was very inappropriate. Some people should understand that kids use this site and they should not be disrespected by aldults wih no selfrespect! Keep It Clean!!
In 1932 Babe Ruth signed for $75,000. wih the Yankees. The previous two years he earned a career high of $80,000 each year(1930 &1931)
Today the Cahuilla People speak English and/or Spanish.Historically, they spoke Ivilyuat, also called ʔívil̃uʔat or "the Cahuilla Language." Today, less than 5 people can speak it natively.
he wore a cloak wih pants
They wore dresses wih wide panniers, which would hold the skirts out to at the side.
it is actually wih 6and it called ''6kadrov''
i think 66 to 90 percent people are scare wih fire
boobrewbluecluechewcrewcoodrewdewflewflufluefewgrewgoogluenewshrewskewshoeshooslewspewstewscrewzoosuetwototoowhotruethrewruedueblewshampoodaddy to shoemoonumuwootrewsthrough
to look wih your eyes
a true spartan is a master chief! and somone wih big feet to kick people down that big hole.
LUNG, Tounge,