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Q: What people were inspired by Benjamin Franklin?
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How does Benjamin Franklin get his ideas for his inventions?

Benjamin franklin got inspired to do some of his inventions . he also got interested in it like electricity

Who inspired Americans?

Many people. Thomas Paine, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. The Revolution had a lot of people who inspired it, not just one.

What people did Benjamin Franklin become enormously popular with the people of?

Benjamin Franklin was huge in France at his time.

Who inspired Benjamin Franklin to invent bifocals?

Benjamin Franklin had very bad vision and could not read very well so he needed something so that he could see better that why he made bifocals

Benjamin Franklin became enormaously plpular with the people of what country?

Benjamin Franklin became enormously popular with the people of France.

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Alessandro Volta was inspired after reading an article by Benjamin Franklin on "Flammable Air".

What did Benjamin Franklin do to help shape American history?

Benjamin Franklin built the library.

Unification effort that Benjamin Franklin nearly inspired to success by eloquent leadership and cartoon artistry?

Albany Congress

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Who were the best judges of the author's merit for Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin's The Way to WealthThe people is the answer to the question"... I concluded at length, that the people were the best judges of my merit; for they ..."

What is Benjamin Franklin's surname?

Benjamin Franklin's surname is Franklin.