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Q: What patriots in the revolutionary war used guns mostly?
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What guns were used by the patriots in the revolutionary war?

Most patriots were armed with the Flintlock musket.

What kind of weapons did the patriots use in the revolutionary war?

they used weapons like m16 and rbg7 and the also used Mercedes and Ferrari tanks and water guns

What was one of the patriots' advantages in the revolutionary war?

They fought differently than the British. When the British used military tactics, such as firing lines. The Patriots used Gorilla style tactics. This included hiding and waiting for British troops to pass by. Also the Patriots went after the British Officers, not just the troops. The British mostly just went for the Patriots troops.

How was the Revolutionary War fought?

The Revolutionary War was fought by the Americans against the British. They used muscats, cannons, swords and lots of guns.

Where the muskets mostly used by the british in the revolutionary war?

Yeah mate

What weapons did the United States use in Pearl Harbor?

They used mostly antiaircraft guns and shot guns

How did the people get killed in Rwanda by guns or what?

During the genocide, people were mostly killed by machetes, but guns were also used.

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the patriots

How were pigeons used in the Revolutionary War?

Pigeons were used as message carriers during the revolutionary war

What guns are used in Iraq?

the Americans mostly use M16s or M4s and M9 pistols

What weapons did Juan Ponce De Leon use?

He used mostly guns and swords

What is cia's guns?

They used mostly 9 milimetre rounds hand gun or maybe the glock.