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Since there are only 2 political parties in the United States the answer to your question is none, but have had presidents in office. Washington didn't have a political party so it is possible he could count as a "no party" president.


Although the United States currently has a "two-party" system, there is no law restricting the formation of new parties nor the placement of candidates from these parties on the Presidential ballot. Each State determines whether to present candidates from outside parties, usually as a result of of signed petitions from state citizens.

There are a number of answers to this question, both modern and historical. The Libertarian Party has advanced ten candidates for President in the national election. Bob Barr ran in 2008, accruing 523,686 popular votes (0.4% of the electorate), but no Electoral votes. In 1972, John Hospers, the party's first candidate, acquired one Electoral vote after achieving a mere 3,674 popular votes.

The Green Party and its precursor, the Association of State Green Parties, has placed four Presidential candidates on the Ballot. The most famous of these was Ralph Nader, who ran in 1996 and 2000. He and his running mate, Winona LaDuke, amassed a total of 2,882,000 popular votes in the 2000 election. In 2008, the Green Party Presidential ticket included two women, Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente, who won a mere 161,603 votes.

Ross Perot ran under the Independent Party in the 1992 Presidential election and garnered 19,743,821 popular votes, representing a respectable 18.9% of the voting public. In 1995, he created the Reform Party and ran on their ticket in the 1996 election, receiving 8,085,402 popular votes (8.4%). By then, Perot's popularity was waning; he did not make a third run for office.

The Constitution Party has had five Presidential candidates, but has only succeeded in being placed on the ballot in 17 states.

These examples comprise the dominant modern minor parties; however, there are dozens of active micro parties, as well as a number of historical parties, some of which were major forces in their day. The Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, and Whigs have all seated US Presidents. The short-lived Bull Moose Party, which endorsed Theodore Roosevelt for one election cycle, never placed a President in office.

This answer is not meant to be comprehensive of all parties with past Presidential candidates.

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Q: What party has never placed a US President in office?
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What party nominated Abraham Lincoln as its first presidential candidate?

Republican Party. He was the first Republican to be elected to office.

What number president was Alexander Hamilton?

Zero. Alexander Hamilton never became President, although he might have done so if not for being killed in the duel with Aaron Burr. Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin are represented on US currency despite the fact that they never held the office of President of the United States of America.

Has any third party candidate ever won the presidency?

There has never been any true third party candidates that have been elected to presidential office. The two main parties are the democrats and the republicans.

When was Mao elected?

Mao Zedong held the office of President from 1954 until 1975. However, he was considered the "Paramount Leader" of China from the PRC's founding in 1949 until 1976. A formal constitutional office of President would not be established until 1982; the first President under the current constitution was Li Xiannian. Hu Jintao is the current President.

What was the reason for president Andrew Johnson to stop being president?

His term as president expired and he was not nominated to run for another term. Johnson was chosen by Lincoln to be his vice-president in order to balance the ticket. He was from Tennessee which seceded from the union, so Johnson had no solid political base in the North. He became president when Lincoln died but was never popular with the Republican party bosses. He had some support in the Democratic party but not enough to get the nomination.

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