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the bump on the shield was copied from the Celts. nothing else was because the Celts went to war naked.

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Q: What parts of their armour did the Romans copy off the Celts?
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How did Romans copy Greek philosophy?

the Greeks created columns and coloseums which the Romans used. the Romans used coloseums to entertain the citizens(slaves couldn't participate)

What areas did the Romans copy the Greek?

The Roman were inspired by the Greek in all areas of culture.

Who was the reciepent of roman pauline epistle?

The recipient of Paul's epistle to the Romans was the Christian community living in Rome, Italy. There is also manuscript evidence that Paul sent a substantially similar copy of Romans to the Christians at Ephesus. It has also been suggested that the 16th chapter of Romans was not original to Romans but rather was appended to the copy of Romans that Paul sent to Ephesus. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most if not all of the persons mentioned in Romans chapter 16 are persons known to have been connected with the church in Ephesus, but not with the church in Rome.

Who did the Romans copy when they created different types of architecture?

They copied the Etruscans who lived mostly north of Rome. The origins of their civilization are unknown. The Romans adapted the alphabet architecture engineering and believed in some of their gods.

How was roman art different from Greek art .?

The Romans greatly admired the art and architecture of Greece, as well as many of their ideas. Roman art is not really the same as Greek art, but the Romans did copy the Greeks. One notable copy is the column. The Greeks used solid marble 'drums' to build their columns, the Romans built theirs with brick, faced with cement to resemble the Greek columns. .Roman art is more naturalistic and less stylized then Greek art. Greeks were most interested in idealism Romans were more interested in realism.

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How did Romans copy Greek philosophy?

the Greeks created columns and coloseums which the Romans used. the Romans used coloseums to entertain the citizens(slaves couldn't participate)

What did Romans copy from Greeks architecture?

Everything! Including columns.

What did the Romans copy off of the Greeks?

The Romans have copied the Greeks Architecture, medicine ( kind of in a way) and artwork. You might think about the calendar. I'm not sure about that :I

How did the Greeks infleunce Rome?

maybe the greek show the romans some of their cultures and the romans started to copy them don't know for sure but it could be possible

What areas did the Romans copy the Greek?

The Roman were inspired by the Greek in all areas of culture.

Who was the reciepent of roman pauline epistle?

The recipient of Paul's epistle to the Romans was the Christian community living in Rome, Italy. There is also manuscript evidence that Paul sent a substantially similar copy of Romans to the Christians at Ephesus. It has also been suggested that the 16th chapter of Romans was not original to Romans but rather was appended to the copy of Romans that Paul sent to Ephesus. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most if not all of the persons mentioned in Romans chapter 16 are persons known to have been connected with the church in Ephesus, but not with the church in Rome.

Can teachers copy parts of books to teach with?


What kind of armour did the people in the middle age wear?

At the very beginning of the Middle Ages, they wore the same armor the Romans did, or they wore the armor of the Germanic tribes, which was rather a combination of things, but largely a copy of Roman armor. As time went by, they adopted scale armor that was a combination of rings and strips of steel plate sewn to leather, called ring mail and scale armor. Later yet, they used chain mail, in which the rings interlocked, and developed plate armor, in which the pieces of steel plate conformed to larger parts of the body.

Why do did you copy the Romans in mosaics?

because we wanted to show people how talented we are (but some of us might not want to do that

Why did the Greeks create their own myths?

Unlike many later people like the Romans, there was nobody for them to copy off.

What did the Romans copy?

The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.