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Q: What part of the constitution was not defined until after the convention?
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How was Paul Revere part of the constitution?

No, he wasn't there.The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming.

Why is Benjamin Franklin so important with the Constitution?

He outlined the system of governemnt as described in Article I. He was a part of the Constitutional Convention and signed the document.

Can the constitution change?

Yes. Changes to the constitution are called amendments. To propose an amendment requires 2/3 of Congress' approval or 2/3 of the state legislatures can vote to call a national convention to propose the amendment. To become part of the constitution, to be ratified, an amendment must get approval from 3/4 of Congress or 3/4 of the the states must vote for it in a ratifying convention.

How long does an amendment have until it must either be adopted as a part of the constitution or dropped once it has been officially proposed?

Seven Years.

Who helped write the U.S. Constitution?

The constitutional convention had 55 delegates who came and went in the four months it took to write the Constitution. James Madison took the notes of the convention while George Washington was the president of the convention. Thomas Jefferson was in France with John Adams so they didn't take part in the writing the constitution. Ben Franklin was in attendance at the convention and because of his advanced age he was carried in on a chair by jail inmates. The average age of the delegates was 44 and most were lawyers. At the end of the seventeen weeks only 42 of the 55 members remained to sign the constitution. Included in this number is 3 who refused to sign and returned home. No members were completely happy about the final result, but they adopted what was acceptable to the body and the entire country.

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An amendment may also become part of the constitution by approval by a convention in what?

three-fourths of the States

Why didn't Women African Americans and Native take part in the Constitution Convention?

blak people

What is Roger Sherman's compromise?

Roger Sherman's great compromise of 1787, was an agreement between small and large states reached during the Philadelphia convention of 1787; That in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the united states government/constitution.

How was Paul Revere part of the constitution?

No, he wasn't there.The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming.

Who determines when interrogation becomes torture?

This is defined as part of the Geneva Convention rules, however not all countries have signed and agreed to be bound by this document.

What is Roger Sherman's great compromise?

Roger Sherman's great compromise of 1787, was an agreement between small and large states reached during the Philadelphia convention of 1787; That in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the united states government/constitution.

What branch wrote the constitution?

There were no branches when the Constitution was written. Nor was there a USA. The Constitution is part of the creation of the USA, the branches did not exist at the until the time it was written.

Why is Benjamin Franklin so important with the Constitution?

He outlined the system of governemnt as described in Article I. He was a part of the Constitutional Convention and signed the document.

What is aid and comfort to the enemies?

"Aid and comfort to the enemy" is part of the definition of the crime of treason, which is the only crime defined in the Constitution.

Why is George Washington is important?

It is because he was the first president of the USA. He was also the president of the Philidelphia Convention. George Washington was the leader of the American Revolution. He was one of the people who is part of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

What year did Alaska ratify the constitution?

Alaska was not a state in 1789. It won't be part of the US until 1959. So, it had nothing to do with the constitution .

When can there be a constitutional convention?

The answer is. As soon as it becomes general public knowledge that a sufficient number of applications have been submitted by the states to cause a convention call. Congress has disobeyed the Constitution and refused to call a convention. The over 700 applications from 49 states can be read at Once Congress realizes the American public know they have been violating the Constitution and begin asking why can they do this, public pressure will mount. Not so much because of a convention but because everyone will realize that if Congress can refuse to obey one part of the Constitution, they can disobey other parts. To prevent this means forcing them to call the convention even if nothing is done at the convention.