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Force only takes place in the direction of the motion. It cannot be any other way. It could be argued that the action of a cars tyres on the road applies to your question. The car moves forward while the tyres push the earth in the opposite direction. However the tyres are the motion supplying the force and not the car moving in the opposite direction..

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Q: What part of a force does work when the direction of the force and the direction of motion are not the same?
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How does inertia work?

It is exactly the same as momentum and covered by Newton's first law of motion. Inertia is a way of expressing the force required to get an object to move from rest, or the force required to change the velocity or direction of an object in motion. Anything that has mass will have inertia - a "resistance to move or change velocity or direction of motion".

What are the3 laws of motion?

1. A still object will remain still until acted upon by an outside force. A moving object will remain moving in the same direction with the same speed until acted upon by an outside force. 2. An object will move in the same direction as the force it was acted on by and will not stop even if the force stops 3. All actions have an equal and opposite reaction. Hopefully this helped

Is the direction of force always the same as the direction of accelration?

Yes. f=ma the direction of acceleration is the direction of the force and vice versa.

Is the direction of the acceleration is the same as the direction of motion of the object?

No. The direction of motion is obviously based on the direction it is moving. However the direction of acceleration is based on the direction of the forces acting on an object. If I throw a baseball to you, it is moving horizontally, from me to you, however it has the force of gravity pulling it downwards, so the acceleration would point downwards. (There's also a little air resistance which is slowing it down. Air resistance is a form of friction, and friction always opposes motion. Since it's moving forward, air resistance would pull it backwards. So the acceleration would actually be a small amount back as well as straight down.)

The application of a force through a distance?

Work = Force * displacement if the displacement and the force are parallel - work is positive if force and displacement are in the same direction, negative if they have opposite direction. At an angle Work = Force * displacement * cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

Related questions

When force and motion are going in the same direction is work being done?

Yes, work is being done when force and motion are going in the same direction. Work is defined as the product of force applied in the direction of motion and the distance over which the force is applied. So, when force and motion are in the same direction, work is being done.

Is the acceleration of an object always in the same direction of the net force?

No, the acceleration of an object is in the direction of the net force applied to it. If the net force is in the same direction as the object's motion, the acceleration will be in the same direction. If the net force is opposite to the object's motion, the acceleration will be in the opposite direction.

A force acting on an object does no work if?

the force is not in the direction of the objects motion.

What will happen to an object if a force pushes it in the same direction as it motion?

The object's speed will increase, accelerating in the same direction as the force.

How about if the object is already in motion how will the unbalanced force affect its motion?

The unbalanced force will change the object's motion by causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force. If the unbalanced force is acting in the opposite direction of the object's motion, it will slow down the object. If the force is acting in the same direction as the object's motion, it will speed up the object.

What is called when force and motion are in the direction?

When force and motion are in the same direction, it is called parallel force. This type of force results in the object gaining speed or changing its velocity, depending on the magnitude of the force acting on it.

An object can speed upslow down or turn in the direction of the net force when?

An object can speed up when the net force acting on it is in the same direction as its motion. It can slow down when the net force is opposite to its motion. The object can turn in the direction of the net force when the force is applied perpendicular to its motion, causing it to change direction.

When force is perpendicular to the direction of motion is work done?

No. At least not by the force that's perpendicular to the motion. When you push a baby stroller (or a car), you do work, but the force of gravity, downward and perpendicular to the motion, doesn't.

How can a force make an object move change direction or stop?

A force can make an object move by exerting a push or a pull on it. The direction of the force determines how the object will move. A force in the same direction as the object's motion can increase its speed, while a force in the opposite direction can slow it down or stop it. Changing the direction of the force can also change the object's direction of motion.

When a object accelerates in the same direction as its motion it has?

When an object accelerates in the same direction as its motion, it is experiencing positive acceleration. This means its speed is increasing over time.

What list shows what can happen to the motion of an object when only one force is acting on the object?

When only one force is acting on an object, the motion of the object can include acceleration, deceleration, or a change in direction. The object may speed up if the force is in the same direction as the object's initial motion, slow down if the force is in the opposite direction, or change direction if the force is at an angle to the motion.

What occurs when force is applied over a curtain distance and motion is in the same direction as the force?
