The toilet/latrine room adjacent to the main bedchamber (I think).
mote i don't know
The castle is called Edinburgh Castle.
Blarney Castle is in a town called Blarney which is in the Republic of Ireland.The Republic of Ireland is part of the European continent.
The castle, village, and land of a lord's estate were often called Feudal lands. The castle could be called the manor.
The ditch around a castle is called a moat.
A garderobe is a toilet I think. Either that or a storage place :/
When they were built they would have been called a bucket or a ole in the wall. today they are called toilets.
A garderobe could be a few things. It could either be a latrine, if the context is a medieval castle or it could be a wardrobe.
a castles often had a garderobe.These were small seats built into a tiny closet hangging ower the castles moat.
A garderobe is a wardobe or privy in a castle. It would usaully be made out of stone with a wooden or stone seat.
a closet = une garderobe; which is quite similar to our word "wardrobe".
They are both names for a toilet.
What were the parts of the Castle called Crenellations?
Keep (or dungeon if you were really unlucky!)
mote i don't know