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Q: What one characteristic that made Roman culture unique?
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When did the influence of the Greek culture faded?

The influence of the greek culture faded , after Alexanders kingdom was divided into three areas, and later on the roman culture also made its way.

What empire made up of the eastern half of the Roman Empire retained Greco-Roman culture and influenced Russian religion?

Byzantine Empire

What empire made up of the eastern half of the Roman empire retain Greco Roman culture and influence Russian religion?

Byzantine Empire

Why were Roman Roads so unique in the ancient world?

Roman roads were unique in the ancient world first of all because of their construction. They were built to take heavy traffic. They were consistently maintained and they made trade, communication and travel easy and efficient.


its a Jewish state that is made to pretect Jews a shelter them as a homeland

What made ancient Jewish people unique?

What may be the most unique historic characteristic of the Jewish People is the fact that after having so much of its philosophy adopted as the norm and basis of civilization by so many of the world's cultures, two tenths of one percent of the world's population could nonetheless be made the focus of so much blind worldwide hatred. It's incredible really.

Did Greeks invent roman chariots?

No they did not. The earliest chariots were made by the Sumerians. The first fully developed chariots were made by the Sintashta-Petrovka Proto-Indo-Iranian culture.

In what ways did the ancient Roman army impact Rome?

The Roman army was extremely important in the spreading of roman culture. The main way that it expanded roman culture was that the legionnaires who made up the majority of the early to imperial roman army were allowed to settle in territories their legion had conquered. For example many of the soldiers of the Roman legions that conquered the majority of Britain settled there. Many of these soldiers married a local women and this led to quite a rapid transformation of the culture. As many of these soldiers had children, the population would start to become more Roman until what was left was a fusion of Roman and local culture.

How did Roman aqueducts impact culture?

The aqueducts raised the Roman standard of living. Everyone had access to fresh clean water, which was a health benefit. Public baths were made possible for personal cleanliness and homes could have running water.

How did Greek and roman culture also influence Islamic culture?

Roman culture did not have much influence. Greek culture did. The Arabs read the scrolls in the library in Alexandria and became very interested in Greek science and mathematics, which helped them with the scientific advances they made in their age of splendour, which was at the time of the European Middle Ages.

What animal has human like fingerprints?

Koalas have fingerprints that are very similar to human fingerprints, with unique patterns that can be used for identification. This distinct feature has made them the only non-human animal known to possess this characteristic.

What characteristic is unique to phylum arthropoda?

Arthropods are unique for their jointed appendages and exoskeleton made of chitin. This phylum includes animals such as insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and myriapods, making it the largest and most diverse phylum in the animal kingdom.