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Q: What office did Ronald Reagan once hold?
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How did the role of the plebeians in roman government change over time?

Once the Plebeians gained their civil rights, they were able to hold public office and may of them rose to important positions and even counsuls. Marc Antony is an example of a man from a plebeian family becoming a counsul.

What accounted for the appeal of Ronald Reagan and his policies to the American electorate in the 1980s?

Charisma, oratory, promises, tax relief. All of this sounded good to the electorate. He won the endorsement of Labor because he had once headed the Screen Guild, he won the wealthy with tax relief, and he won the military/industrial complex with his strong anti-Communist position. He delivered on everything. He kept on promising, he kept on being "Mr. Communicator"and he kept on looking good in the public eye.

How many times did the us hold the world cup?

U.s.A hoisted the world cup once in 1994.

What ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

In the 1980's Ronald Reagan led a military program that the USSR couldn't keep up with, but this is just a minor reason. The big reason was because Mikhail Gorbachev (Last Soviet leader) tried to mix their kind of communism with democracy. But once the people were given democracy, it was harder and harder to control the country. Soon the Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were free. Then the Ukraine gained freedom. Then finally a rebellion overthrew the Soviet regime in 1991.

Were all religions welcome in colonial North Carolina?

The North Carolina colony initially tolerated all religions. However, once William III came to power, an allegiance to the Anglican Church became a requirement. Under his successor, Queen Anne, all residents were required to take an oath to the Anglican church, or they would not be able to hold political office. The Quakers refused to take the oath, and were forbidden from holding political office.

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Which former president's job was acting?

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Only President to have been shot and wouned in office and recovered?

Ronald Reagan in 1981. Teddy Roosevelt was shot once and survived, but he was out of office by then.

Which president once held a job as a radio announcer for the Chicago Cubs?

Ronald Reagan is the former American president who once held a job as an announcer for Chicago Cubs. Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States.

Which president was once a sports announcer?

Ronald Reagan

Who was the only president to have been shot and wounded in office and recovered?

Ronald Reagan. He was shot by a homeless man trying to impress an actress that was there. He thought she was pretty and thought she would date him if he looked powerful. Instead, he went to imprisonment. I found this out at the Ronald Reagan Library in California.

Which president had a job as a radio announcer for the Chicago Cubs?

Ronald Reagan announce an inning once

Which world leader was once filmed sharing a bed with a chimpanzee named bonzo?

Ronald Reagan

Which president was once a movie star who co-starred with a chimpanzee in the moviebed time for bonzo?

Ronald Reagan

What president is from Dixon Illinois?

President Ronald Reagan once lived in Dixon, Illinois when he was growing up.

How did Ronald Reagan help immigrants?

President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law with great fanfare amid promises that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants, crack down on employers who hired illegal workers and secure the border once and for all. President Ronald Reagan approved this "path to citizenship" amnesty in 1986.

Which president was once a Hollywood actor?

Ronald Reagan was the US president who was once a Hollywood actor. Before that, he was the governor of California for two years.

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Mario and Peach got a tragic divorce. Mario came from work one day. But it beat the castle extremely easy. When he got home he heard moans and groans. He broke down the door and saw Luigi and Peach making sweet love on his bed. Mario went insane he grabbed his brother then punched him several times in his face. Peach screamed and ran out Mario grabbed his Glock 12 and shot her once in the back she was coughing up blood and he walked over to see her crying.... He put another shot in her face. And again, and again, and again, and again. He said softly "I thought you loved me..." he walked inside to see Luigi trying to call 911 and he held the gun to him then whacked him with it. He grabbed a knife then slit his throat. The cops found him an hour later crying over peach's body he's in jail for a life sentence now and every night he cries 'I thought you loved me...." to the drawing of her on his prison wall.