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The last two centuries of the Roman Empire experienced frequent civil wars because of the procolomation of independice

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Q: What occurred during the last two centuries of the Roman Empire where frequent civil wars?
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During the last two centuries of the roman empire frequent civil wars occurred due to?

controversies over who would be emperor

What important events occurred in Palestine during the first and second centuries?

The first and second centuries were a turbulent political period in ancient Palestine. War between the Romans and the Jews was a common thread. The First Roman-Jewish War occurred in the years 66 to 70; the Second Roman-Jewish War occurred in the years 132 to 135.

What are four events that occurred after the roman empire but before the Renaissance?

Major events during the long period of the Middle Ages were the rise and fall of the Carolingian Empire, the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, the Hundred Years' War and the crusades.

Was the Roman empire before the Mongolain empire?

The Roman empire was much earlier than the Mongol empire. The Roman Empire developed from the 4th century BC. The western part of this empire fell in the 5th century AD and theeasternpart continued to exist until 1453 AD whenConstantinoplewas taken over by the Ottoman Turks.The Mongol Empire was around in the 13th and 14th centuries AD. It developed during the Middle Ages. Roman civilisation was an ancient one and the Roman Empire, apart from thesurvivingeastern part) was an empire which was around during antiquity.

What happened during the during the Romans?

Many things happened. Ancient Roman civilisation lasted 1,200 years. The Romans conquered many lands. The Roman Empire was the was the second largest antiquity saw and the 15th largest in history. Christianity started in Judea which at the time was part of the Roman Empire and spread though this empire. The early development of Catholic and Orthodox Christianity occurred in the Roman days.

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During the last two centuries of the roman empire frequent civil wars occurred due to?

controversies over who would be emperor

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What important events occurred in Palestine during the first and second centuries?

The first and second centuries were a turbulent political period in ancient Palestine. War between the Romans and the Jews was a common thread. The First Roman-Jewish War occurred in the years 66 to 70; the Second Roman-Jewish War occurred in the years 132 to 135.

What was the status of Christianity in the Roman empire during the first 3 centuries A.D.?

Christians suffered sporadic persecution in the first three centuries A.D., until the conversion of the Emperor Constantine in 312 A.D. It became the official religion of the Empire in 380 A.D.

What was the result of the civil wars between leaders of the wealthy and lower classes in Rome during the second and first centuries BC 200-1 BC?

The civil wars led the end of the Roman Republic and establishment of the rule by emperors. Historians refer to the latter political system as Roman Empire. However, understood in the usual sense of territorial expansion, the Republic already had an empire. Much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the Republic.

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What are four events that occurred after the roman empire but before the Renaissance?

Major events during the long period of the Middle Ages were the rise and fall of the Carolingian Empire, the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, the Hundred Years' War and the crusades.

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