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Q: What number coffin was king Tut's mummy placed?
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How many piecesof jewellerywerew berried with tuts mummy?


Why was examaining tuts mummy so hard?

the mask and body was glued to his body

What important items were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun?

King tuts coffin and body and many old artifacts in gold

How long did it take to find king Tuts mummy?

well it took 7 years to find his tomb so 7 years i guess hope that helps? :)

When was King Tutankhamun's body?

King Tuts last name was actually Tutankhamun's The mummy of King Tut was found in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. There was a curse on whoever disturbed the tomb of King Tutankhamun!

Tuts mom and dad?

king tuts mom was Nefertiti.

Whose death set off the rumor of king tuts mummy curse?

Lord Caernarvon who died of septicaemia from a mosquito bite. There were no antibiotics in those days so once an infection took hold it usually killed you.

When did Tuts Washington die?

Tuts Washington died on 1984-08-05.

When was Tuts Washington born?

Tuts Washington was born on 1907-01-24.

What is king tuts general region?

King tuts general rigion i think is 1321bc

What is king tuts favorite food?

king tuts favorite food was fish from the nile

What the medieval bailiffs earn for their work?

In medieval history the bailiffs TUTS MAI BARREH and they earned TUTS MAI BARREH cause TUTS MAI BARREH is good.