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The beatniks and the greasers were two subcultures that helped define the 1950s.

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Q: What new American subculture helped define the 1950s?
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The Federal Highway Aid Act of 1956 and the GI Bill (also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act) helped transform American life in the 1950s.

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Rock and roll represented rebellion which made it extremely popular with the youth. Greasers and other such groups stemmed from the rock n roll subculture.

Describe the influence of the rock-and-roll phenomenon on American society including teenagers parents public leaders and organizations in the 1950s?

Rock and roll represented rebellion which made it extremely popular with the youth. Greasers and other such groups stemmed from the rock n roll subculture.

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Many social critics in the 1950s criticized Americans for their conformity. The 1950s were a time of consumerism and everyone wanted to fit in and realize the American Dream.

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