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Q: What natural occurrence does the myth of the Minotaur and Theseus try to explain?
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Is volcanic ash a natural occurrence?

Yes, volcanic ash is a natural occurrence. It is formed during volcanic eruptions when molten rock, ash, and gases are ejected into the atmosphere. Once in the air, the ash particles can travel long distances and settle on the ground when the eruption subsides.

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Any natural occurrence that is observable or creates an effect which is observable

How do I use the word occurrence in a sentence?

Rocks are a natural occurrence in the Earth's surface

What are the three reasons for telling myths?

To explain a natural occurrence, like reeds make sound when the wind blows. To show the beliefs of a culture. and to tell stories of heroes.

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Is La Nina a manmade occurrence or a natural cycle?

It's a natural event.

Who is the inventor of the hurricane?

Nobody invented hurricanes. They are a natural occurrence.

Should you be scared of storms?

Not particularly. They are a natural and regular occurrence.

What word is given to a sudden and inevitable occurrence caused by natural forces such as a flood or an earthquake?

The word for a sudden and inevitable occurrence caused by natural forces such as a flood or earthquake is "natural disaster."

A story invented to explain a natural occurence?

A common example of a story invented to explain a natural occurrence is the myth of Persephone and the changing seasons. According to Greek mythology, Persephone's annual descent into the underworld to be with Hades was believed to be the reason for the cycle of seasons changing from spring to winter and back again. This myth provided an explanation for the changing seasons that ancient Greeks observed.