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Q: What natural feature made traveling on land difficult for the Greeks?
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When traveling by land in Greece was difficult the Greeks?

The Ancient Greeks traveled by the sea because the land was to mountainous to travel by foot. The Ancient Greeks traveled by foot, cart, chariot and ship.

Why did most ancient Greeks travel in groups when traveling by land?


How did Greeks travle?

The ancient Greeks used to travel mainly by walking or running to their destination. If they were wealthy, then they may have had access to horses or chariots to use for traveling.

What feature in ancient Greek warfare was the most difficult to master?

The Greeks did not have effective cavalry forces, and when faces with eg Persian cavalry, had to stay on rough, hilly grount to deny cavalry a charge which could break up their infantry ranks.

Why did the Greeks name the sun?

The Greeks personified the sun as Helios. They had a general belief that natural forces could have human characteristics.

Why are Hermes and mercury equivalent?

Hermes is the Greek god of communication and commerce, while Mercury is the Roman god with similar attributes. They are considered equivalent because both represent similar concepts in their respective mythologies, such as messaging, trade, and travel. Their roles as messengers of the gods further solidify their equivalence in different mythological traditions.

Did Greeks make the solar system?

No. The solar system formed by natural processes. Humans, including the Greeks, did not exist until much later.

What physical features does Greece have that would have encouraged the Greeks to make their living from the sea?

The mountains made farming difficult , Greeks became fisherman and other traders

What famous Greek from Ancient Macedonia did Plutarch feature in his book lives of the noble Greeks and Romans?

Alexander the Great.

Why did ancient Greeks use myths about their gods?

They were used to explain natural phenomena.

Why did the Greeks believe in gods and goddesses?

The Greeks believed in gods and goddesses to explain natural phenomena, human experience, and to provide moral guidance. These deities were also seen as powerful beings who influenced different aspects of life, serving as a way for ancient Greeks to understand and interact with the world around them.

How did Greeks differ from Mesopotamians in explaining the natural world?

Greeks took Mesopotamian (Iraqi) works and plagiarized them. "Pythagoras theorem" is one example, of many.