The Mohawk tribe.
Your question is asking about two different Native American tribes. The northeastern tribes lived in long houses and the idea of "wigwams " comes from the Americanization of the plains tribes teepee. The plains tribes followed the buffalo herds and had summer and winter camps and needed a shelter they could break down.
depending on where they lived some didn't have wood. For instance the plains tribes used buffalo chips for campfires because there is no wood on the plains. but northeastern tribes had wood to build homes with and use in various ways. "Native Americans" is many different tribes and people with many languages and cultures there is no homogeneous Native American.
The Native Americans lived in the great plains in the 1400s.
As with all Native tribes, the Plains tribes lived off the land. Although the buffalo was their main staple, they did hunt deer, elk and small game. Also the women would gather berries, roots and nuts. In addition, they would trade with other tribes for different kinds of food.
The Mohawk tribe.
One Of The Tribes Is Known As The Plains People.
which native america lived in plains
The Sioux Indians lived in the Great Plains.
Your question is asking about two different Native American tribes. The northeastern tribes lived in long houses and the idea of "wigwams " comes from the Americanization of the plains tribes teepee. The plains tribes followed the buffalo herds and had summer and winter camps and needed a shelter they could break down.
depending on where they lived some didn't have wood. For instance the plains tribes used buffalo chips for campfires because there is no wood on the plains. but northeastern tribes had wood to build homes with and use in various ways. "Native Americans" is many different tribes and people with many languages and cultures there is no homogeneous Native American.
Yes the Cheyenne`s lived in the Great Plains but some tribes lived in the desert. But yeah they lived in the Great plains!
As with all Native tribes, the Plains tribes lived off the land. Although the buffalo was their main staple, they did hunt deer, elk and small game. Also the women would gather berries, roots and nuts. In addition, they would trade with other tribes for different kinds of food.
The Native Americans lived in the great plains in the 1400s.
As with all Native tribes, the Plains tribes lived off the land. Although the buffalo was their main staple, they did hunt deer, elk and small game. Also the women would gather berries, roots and nuts. In addition, they would trade with other tribes for different kinds of food.
Many tribes of Native Americans lived in northeast Louisiana. Among them included the Koroa, the Ouachita, and the Paleo tribes.