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The aztecs, mayans, and incas as well as many south and central american tribes, no tribes up north.

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Q: What native Americans were warlike and practiced human sacrifice to please there gods?
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Movies and television have portrayed Native Americans as?

brutal warlike savages However, in "Little Big Man" (1970), the Native Americans are the good guys and whites are evil.

How do Native Americans worship?

Songs, dance, and sacrifice

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What is the difference between great plain Native Americans woodland Native Americans and coastal area Native Americans?

Great Plains Native Americans were nomadic hunter-gatherers who relied on buffalo for survival, while Woodland Native Americans practiced agriculture and lived in permanent settlements. Coastal area Native Americans relied heavily on fishing and had easy access to seafood, as well as engaging in trade and navigation along the coast. Each group had distinct cultural practices, traditions, and lifestyles shaped by their environments.

What were Native Americans?

native americans were americans that were native

When did Native American medicine begin?

The healing traditions of Native Americans have been practiced in North America since at least 12,000 years ago and possibly as early as 40,000 years ago.

What is it called when there's a touching of an enemy instead of killing him?

counting ceeThe Native Americans practiced counting coup: See the related link below:

Did Europeans sell slaves to the Native Americans?

Actually there are recorded documents that show that the Native Americans did buy slaves from slave traders, the Cherokee for example were known to buy slaves (African & American slaves). While this was not large scale slavery as practiced by the American's it did exist.

Are native American Sioux nice?

Not really..the sioux indians were the most warlike of all the others.