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Nations that had been colonies of Britain withdrew from the British Commonwealth to form independent republics. This included the United States, as well as several countries in Africa.

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Q: What nations withdrew from the British Commonwealth to form an independent republic?
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What nation withdrew from the British Commonwealth to forn an independent republic?

The Republic of Ireland.

Which nations withdrew from the British Commonwealth to form an independent republic?

The British commonwealth is described as an organization that has the capability to evolve a society. Ireland and India withdraw from the commonwealth and decided to be a republic nation.

What European country gained independence from the united kingdom in 1949?

In 1921, Ireland became an independent country but chose to remain part of the British Commonwealth. In 1949, the Irish people voted to become a republic and the country changed its name to the Republic of Ireland and withdrew from the British Commonwealth.

Why South Africa stopped being a member of the Commonwealth?

South Africa withdrew from the British Commonwealth in 1961 and became a republic after being censured by fellow members.

Was the country Ireland always a republic or did it switch over from a different system?

Ireland became a republic in 1949 after leaving the British Commonwealth. It became an independent nation within the Commonwealth in 1921

When did India stop being in the empire?

India became an independent republic in 1948. It remains a part of the British Commonwealth.

Is Iran part of the commonwealth?

No. Iran is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States as it was not a part of the former Soviet Union.

What is the origins of the commonwealth?

Commonwealth of Nations, formerly known as Commonwealth and British Commonwealth, is formed from the countries of the British Empire. Commonwealth of Nations contains 54 independent modern countries. Only Mozambique and Rwanda were not part of the former British Empire.

is Mauritius in the British Empire?

Mauritius is a republic but a member of the Commonwealth.

What is the British Commonwealth?

The British Commonwealth is an obsolete name for what is now called the Commonwealth of Nations. It is an association of some 54 independent, sovereign nations, most (but not all) of whom were once part of the British Empire

Is Saint Lucia independent?

Saint Lucia is an independent country and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

What year did Dominica join the commonwealth and why?

Dominica is in the Commonwealth of Nations, but is not a Commonwealth Dominion (now referred to as "Realm"). Meaning, essentially, that, while they do acknowledge the British monarch as head of the Commonwealth, the British monarch retains no title pertaining to Dominica (whereas Commonwealth Dominions accept the British monarch as head of state). Dominica joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1978. While no specific reason is given, it was likely for the incentives offered by the trade agreement which exists between members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Additionally, most countries with ties to British colonialism have opted to remain in the Commonwealth of Nations (with some exceptions, such as the United States, the Republic of Ireland, and Zimbabwe, which was a member of the Commonwealth, but voluntarily withdrew after being suspended).