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United States and Great Britain jointly controlled the Oregon territory.

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Q: What nations signed a treaty in 1818 to create joint control of the Oregon territory?
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Policy under which stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations?


What is the relation between Palestine and the United Nations?

It depends on what you are calling Palestine. If you are referring to the British Mandate for Palestine, as a mandate, the territory was subject to League of Nations final authority. The job of the British was to safeguard the territory on behalf of the League and to advance the modernization and independence of the territory in accordance with the provisions of the mandate. When the United Nations superseded the League of Nations, the United Nations became the final authority in adjudicating issues related to the Mandate. in 1947, the British decided to give the UN a voice in determining the future of the mandate. In UNGA Resolution 181 (II), the United Nations resolved to create two states: a Jewish State and an Arab State. This resolution sets up the groundwork and legal basis for the existence of two countries: Israel (the Jewish State) and Palestine (the Arab State). If you are referring to the current State of Palestine. It has unofficial recognition in the United Nations and has recognition in several UN organizations like UNESCO. Palestine continually pushes for increased recognition to have better leverage in determining its future vis-à-vis Israel.

In order to prevent the outbreak of future wars what did the Allies create?

United Nations

Did most African nations set up their governments after gaining independence?

The new African nations tended to create governments based on European models.

In European nations the practice of carefully controlling trade to create and maintain wealth was called?


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Did President Polk create the Oregon territory in 1848?

Not exactly. He negotiated a treaty with Britain that established the disputed northern boundary of the Oregon Territory, but the territory already existed.

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The goal was to divide Oregon Territory and create a new territory north of the Columbia River.

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The presence of the canal might have seemed threatening to Latin American nations as it could have been viewed as a symbol of foreign dominance and control over their territory and resources. This could raise concerns about sovereignty, security, and potentially create economic imbalances by favoring the interests of the canal's operators over those of the local nations.

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It was never Britain's decision to create a Jewish homeland in the territory referred to as Palestine. The League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations, created the mandate and gave it to Britain to administer. Britain then violated its mandate by giving 80% of the land set out to be the Jewish homeland to the Arabs.

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President Harry Truman helped create the United Nations.

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