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If you are talking about the FIRST European to visit Australian shores then it was Willem Janszoon in 1606 and he was Dutch.

However, some historians claim the Portuguese had been visiting Australia since 1200+.

After this for the next few hundred years, New Holland (Present-day Australia) was repeatedly claimed by various European powers including the Dutch who claimed Van Diemans Land (Present-day Tasmania), the French who claimed the Western part of New Holland (Present-day WA), and the British who claimed the East Coast.

The British under the command of Captain James Cook claimed the East Coast in 1770 and began settling in 1788.

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Q: What nationality were the first Europeans to discover Australian shores?
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The portuguese were the first European mariners to reach the shores of this Asian nation?

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to sail directly to Asia. They were first to reach the shores of India, China, Indonesia and several other places.

What Native American tribe lived in Los Angeles?

The Tongva/Gabrielino tribe inhabited the Los Angeles Basin pre-contact period, or before any Europeans set foot on our shores.

From which country did the explorer who first discovered Australia come from?

It is believed that the first explorers to discover Australia were Portuguese, but no records still exist.The first recorded explorer on Australia's shores was Dutch (Willem Jansz).

Does Australia have an Independence Day?

Australia does not have an "Independence Day". Australia's national day of celebration is Australia Day, January 26 of every year. This is not, however, an "Independence Day" celebration, as it does not celebrate Australia's independence from Great Britain. It merely celebrates the arrival of the first Europeans to settle on Australian shores. Australia's national day of celebration is Australia Day, January 26 of every year. This is not, however, an "Independence Day" celebration, as it does not celebrate Australia's independence from Great Britain. It merely celebrates the arrival of the first Europeans to settle on Australian shores. The closest Australia has come to an "Independence Day" is Federation, when the six states came together as one federated nation, under an Australian Prime Minister. This date is not celebrated annually, nor was it the day Australia became independent. Australia was a self-governing colony (refer to section 8 in the preamble to the Australian Constitution). Note that Australian Troops returned from WWI in 1919 on British passports. As a British Colony and later a British Dominion Australia gradually gained more and more autonomy. The Statute of Westminster (1931) was not a proclamation of independence either. The Commonwealth and the states were still subject to a higher power in varying degrees, again not to mention the fact that Australian Troops returned from WWII in 1946 on British Passports. Australia did not achieve full independent Sovereignty until 3 March 1986, when the Australia Acts came into effect, terminating all British jurisdiction over Australia. As stated by the Chief Justice of the Australian high court in 1992: "The Australia Act 1986 (UK) marked the end of the legal sovereignty of the Imperial Parliament and recognised that ultimate sovereignty resided in the Australian people".

What is the phone number of the Saint Clair Shores Public Library in Saint Clair Shores?

The phone number of the Saint Clair Shores Public Library is: 586-771-9020.

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The Portuguese were believed to be the first Europeans to discover Australia, but as there are no records remaining in Portugal to substantiate their claim, it is unknown why or how they may have discovered the continent.The Dutch were active traders between Europe and Asia, and they came across Australia whilst seeking out new possibilities for trade. Willem Jansz/Janszoon was the first to step foot on Australia's shores. He was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. Commanding the Duyfken, he became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, doing so in 1606.

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The Portuguese were the first Europeans to sail directly to Asia. They were first to reach the shores of India, China, Indonesia and several other places.

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Abel Tasman did not discover Australia. Abel Tasman only discovered the island that he named Van Diemen's land (now the state of Tasmania) in 1642. The first known European to discover Australia was Willem Jansz, who landed on the shores of Cape York Peninsula in 1606.