

Best Answer

Answer 1

Ottoman Empire, from 1516 to 1917.

Great Britain was not an Occupying Power: it was a Mandatory Power in Palestine until 1948.

Answer 2

Great Britain exercised control over the Mandate of Palestine from 1919 to 1948 (when Israel became independent). Whether or not that is strictly construed as an occupation is not commonly questioned.The British made the laws, had the right to control police and military infrastructure, maintained ports and commerce, and directed political activities. Therefore, Great Britain was the final occupying power.

Palestine was never an independent Arab State or even a unified Arab Province in any Islamic Empire.

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Q: What nation last occupied Palestine before Israel was proclaimed to be a state?
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What was the citizenship of the immigrants who came to palestine before the proclamation of the state of israel?

Israel colony

Who lives in Gaza?

The people living in Gaza are Palestinians (the original people of the Palestine Country before Israel establishment in the area). Gaza together the West bank are parts of the Palestinian territory, currently occupied by Israel, after war of June 1967. refer to related question for more information.

When did Palestine become Israel?

Answer 1Palestine is still Palestine. People just think it is israel. But it is NOT!!Answer 2Israel was a historical term for the land before the Romans created the term Palestine. This original term became the name of the Modern State of Israel in 1948 when Jewish groups were able to establish a State.

What was palestine before world one?

Palestine. Before that it was called Judea, and before that it was Israel. Its first name was Canaan. If the question seeks to ask specifically before World War 1, Palestine was the term used for the general region of the southern Levant under Ottoman Turkish Occupation. The territory was administrated as part of three different wilayaat or governates: the Wilayat Beirut (which consisted of much of Lebanon and northern Israel/Palestine), Mutasaffirat al-Qods (which consisted of Jerusalem and the surrounding area in central Israel/Palestine), and Wilayat Dimashq (which consisted of much of Syria, Jordan, and the southern Negev Desert in Israel). The Palestinian Arabs had little to no power in the administration or politics of any of the three wilayaat, which were ruled entirely by Turkish nobility in Beirut, Damascus, and Istanbul.

What two countries that controlled the area of Palestine before Israel was founded in 1948?

Only one country controlled the area of the Mandate for Palestine prior to Israeli Independence: the British Empire.

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What was the citizenship of the immigrants who came to palestine before the proclamation of the state of israel?

Israel colony

What is historical background of Israel?

its between 50 to 60 years old, search for Palestine, its was Palestine before the war. =)

Why was palestine known as the holy land?

because they were there first,before Israel come

What was Israel before an independent state?

Israel was a part of the British Mandate for Palestine, a quasi-colony under British authority.

Who lives in Gaza?

The people living in Gaza are Palestinians (the original people of the Palestine Country before Israel establishment in the area). Gaza together the West bank are parts of the Palestinian territory, currently occupied by Israel, after war of June 1967. refer to related question for more information.

What state was Israel formed from?

Israel was formed out the British Mandate for Palestine, which was effectively a colony run by the British Empire. Before that it was part of several Ottoman governates. There was no independent state in the Palestine region since the Crusader States in the 1200s.

When did Palestine become Israel?

Answer 1Palestine is still Palestine. People just think it is israel. But it is NOT!!Answer 2Israel was a historical term for the land before the Romans created the term Palestine. This original term became the name of the Modern State of Israel in 1948 when Jewish groups were able to establish a State.

What was palestine before world one?

Palestine. Before that it was called Judea, and before that it was Israel. Its first name was Canaan. If the question seeks to ask specifically before World War 1, Palestine was the term used for the general region of the southern Levant under Ottoman Turkish Occupation. The territory was administrated as part of three different wilayaat or governates: the Wilayat Beirut (which consisted of much of Lebanon and northern Israel/Palestine), Mutasaffirat al-Qods (which consisted of Jerusalem and the surrounding area in central Israel/Palestine), and Wilayat Dimashq (which consisted of much of Syria, Jordan, and the southern Negev Desert in Israel). The Palestinian Arabs had little to no power in the administration or politics of any of the three wilayaat, which were ruled entirely by Turkish nobility in Beirut, Damascus, and Istanbul.

Did Israel have Gaza first?

The map (see link below) shows a country called Palestine. Some Jews invaded in 1948 and changed the name to Israel. They took more and more land until there was just a small area called Gaza for the surviving Palestinians to live in. Israel didn't have Gaza first, Palestine had Palestine first.

Where is Israel under Palestine's control?

Yes, Palestine was a country. When Israel was created in 1948, the land was occupied by the British and before that the Turkish Empire. When the UN created Israel after the Holocaust they wanted to split the land in half. Half as Palestine and half as Israel. Arabs did not like the idea. As the British retreated from Israel all the neighboring Arab countries tried to take over Israel. A war ensued and as the Jewish people pushed back their Arab neighbors they declared the land Israel. Palestinians today who live in the West Bank were Jordanian before the war, but never went back to live Jordan, because they want to stay in their home country. The West Bank and Gaza both are Palestinian and are still in Israel, but are run by their own Palestinian governments. Palestinians are determined to get THEIR land back.___________________________________________________________ Palestine has been semi-autonomous (the Palestinian Authority) since renouncing war on Israel in the 1990's. As stated above, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza now govern themselves, but they are not an independent country. They are still technically part of Israel. A study of history will show that this land has had many rulers before the Israelis, the Brits, and the Turks. But as the Arabs say"our land will be back".

What two countries that controlled the area of Palestine before Israel was founded in 1948?

Only one country controlled the area of the Mandate for Palestine prior to Israeli Independence: the British Empire.