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Recieving an accurate answer requires asking an accurate question. Which Vietnam, north or south? Or Indochina in particular such as Cambodia, Laos, and current Vietnam or the former North/South Vietnams?

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Q: What nation fought for control of Vietnam before the US became involved?
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What European country was entrenched in region before the US became involved in Vietnam war?

France was the primary European nation involved with Indo-China prior to the US's entry into Vietnam.

Did The US became actively involved in Vietnam combat during the administration of President Kennedy?

Just as responsible as Eisenhower before him, and LBJ after him. They all played their part.

When did France gain control on Vietnam?

Before WWII.

What war was before viet nam?

The Korean War was before Vietnam that the United States was involved in.

How was the US involved politically in Vietnam before the Vietnam war?

Our political liaisons supported a free election type government in South Vietnam from the beginning in 1955.

What city became the capital of Vietnam following the war?

Ha Noi, the capital of North Vietnam before and during the war years, remained as the capital of the united Vietnam. The former South Vietnam's Presidential Palace in Sai Gon became a museum.

How did world war change after the US became involved?

The war was a stalemate before the United States became involved. After the United States became involved, the balance tipped to the Allied powers.

What was Vietnam called before Vietnam?

From 1885 until 1954 (excepting a brief period of Japanese control as the Empire of Vietnam) Vietnam was part of the colony of French Indochina. Before the war , Vietnam was divided into two, North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

Did World War 1 change after the US became involved?

The war was a stalemate before the United States became involved. After the United States became involved, the balance tipped to the Allied powers.

How did World War 1 changed after the US became involved?

The war was a stalemate before the United States became involved. After the United States became involved, the balance tipped to the Allied powers.

Who started the Second Indochina War?

The Vietnam War, technically, began long before France or the US became involved. The early motivations were due to religious and political disagreements. In the 1960's and 70's the Allied nations fought in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism.

How did World War 1 change after the United states became involved?

The war was a stalemate before the United States became involved. After the United States became involved, the balance tipped to the Allied powers.