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Q: What names did the beatles have before settling on their final name?
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Before they were known as the Beatles, Lennon's band was also known as the Black Jacks, the Quarrymen, the Nerk Twins, the Beatals and Long John & the Silver Beetles.

How many names did the Beatles have before they settled on The Beatles?

They had two (or possibly three) names before they became the Beatles. Way before the Beatles were famous, they were teenagers playing in a band called The Quarrymen; this name came from a local high school the band members attended. (Note that the lineup of the Quarrymen was not the same as what ultimately became the Beatles, although it was started by John Lennon. Paul McCartney joined the band in 1957 and George Harrison in 1958. Ringo Starr was not a member of that band.) When the Quarrymen traveled to Germany, they added a new member (Stu Sutcliffe) and changed to the Silver Beetles, although some sources say they were first called the Beatals. The spelling of Silver Beetles became Silver Beatles, and then finally, the band settled on The Beatles sometime in 1960.

What are the release dates for No Names - 2012 Settling 1-3?

No Names - 2012 Settling 1-3 was released on: USA: 15 February 2012

Who are the beatles and What is their names?

The Beatles were a band from England. The names of the members were Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon.

What are the names of the songwriters for The Beatles?

Lennon and McCartney

Did Marilyn Monroe like the beatles?

The name "The Beatles" comes from the Marlon Brando movie "The Wild One". The name of Brando's gang was "The Beetles," causing the lads to change their names from "The Quarrymen" to the "Silver Beatles", and finally "The Beatles". John Lennon liked the name because it was the name of an insect, and it had 'beat' in it. More information can be found on

What are the names of The Beatles enhanced CD's?

icomposer real Mary

Who is Christian beatles brother?

christian BEADLES(not beatles) does not hav a brother but he has a sister names Caitlin(she dated Justin bieber)

What bands were Paul McCartney in before The Beatles?

Doors, stones, cream, iron butterfly, Jeff. airplane I believe were all pre beatles as well as Elvis. Actually, not a single one of those was pre-Beatles except Elvis, who wasn't really a group. All those groups above came after the Beatles, well after. The biggest rock groups before the Beatles were Bill Haley and His Comets, Gene Vincent and the Blu-Kaps, Buddy Holly and the Crickets, and the Beach Boys. Please, get it right!

He Former Name of The Beatles Was?

The Quarrymen, Johnny & The Moondogs, The Silver Beatles (yes, spelled like the insect) are all names they went by early on.

Who are The Beatles of Alternative?

The Beatles were a group from Liverpool, England. They became very famous. Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison were their names. Other people were in The Beatles but in the end it was them.