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Q: What movement led to the Reform action of the 1500s?
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What reform movement led women to consider their own lack of rights?

The suffragette movement

Who was the leader of the first protestant reform movement in Switzerland?

Ulrich Zwingli, apriest in Zurich led this movement.

What statement characterizes the Second Great Awakening in the North?

it led to a social reform movement

What movenment led to the Reformation of the 1500s?

The Reformation of the 1500s was primarily led by individuals such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli, who sought to reform the practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. These Reformers criticized the church's corruption, questioned its teachings, and called for a return to the principles of early Christianity. Their efforts ultimately led to the establishment of Protestantism as a distinct branch of Christianity.

What motivated the men and women who led the reform movement?

The noble goals stated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

What movement led to split in the Christian church in the early 1500s?

Martin Luther lead the Protestant movement which condemned the Catholic church. Some monarchs liked the movement and changed the religion of their kingdoms from Catholic to Protestant.

What impact would the printing press have on religious reform movement of the 1500?

The printing press was instrumental in spreading the ideas of the religious reform movement of the 1500s, such as the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther. It allowed for faster and wider dissemination of texts like Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, leading to increased literacy and the ability for individuals to engage directly with religious texts. This helped undermine the authority of the Catholic Church and contributed to the rise of various Protestant denominations.

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A reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor.

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A what led the Reformation movement in England?

The reformation movement was fueled by an attempt to reform the Catholic Church. There were a lot of false doctrines and malpractices going on in the church.

What was the significance of the Renaissance?

the significance of the reformation was that it started questioning the renaissance (2) it was a religious reform movement that led to a new division of christianity- Protestantism