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Q: What movement followed English romanticism?
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The Age of Romanticism movement in literature was at its peek between 1800 - 1850...I Know it but want to know if Romanticism movement started well before 1800?just want to know around when did it start?

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Romanticism can be seen as a reaction aganst Neoclassicism and academic painting.

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What was the literary era that preceded Romanticism in English literary history?

Neoclassicism preceded Romanticism.

What came before the romanticism movement?

Before the Romanticism movement, there was the Neoclassicism movement, which emphasized order, reason, and rationality. Neoclassicism was a reaction against the excesses of the Baroque period and sought to revive classical art and architecture.

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Margaret Bloom has written: 'French and English romanticism' -- subject- s -: Comparative Literature, English and French, French and English, Romanticism

What has the author John Clubbe written?

John Clubbe has written: 'English romanticism' -- subject(s): History and criticism, English poetry, Romanticism