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Q: What modern movements challenged traditional philosophies and encouraged new political movements?
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Which art movements was most clearly dedicated to breaking the traditional definition of art?


Which of the following helped lead to the Scientific Revolution?

The Renaissance and the Enlightenment were two major factors that helped lead to the Scientific Revolution. The Renaissance fostered a spirit of humanism and curiosity, while the Enlightenment emphasized reason and rationality. These intellectual movements challenged traditional beliefs and paved the way for the development of scientific methods and theories. Additionally, the invention of the printing press made scientific knowledge more widely accessible, facilitating the spread of new ideas.

In order to win independence from the colonial powers African leaders encouraged the growth of .?

In order to win independence from the colonial powers, African leaders encouraged the growth of nationalist movements and organizations. They promoted unity among Africans and mobilized support for independence through strategies such as civil disobedience, protests, and armed resistance. Additionally, they sought international support and diplomatic alliances to advance their cause.

What did the symbol of the Nazi look like?

The "swastika" symbol was a traditional Nordic and Buddhist symbol adopted by the Nazi movements in Germany during the 1930s. It resembles a "X" with the each end of arm of the letter bent at a right angle.

How were the pergressive and suffrage movements alike?

The progressive and suffrage movements were both activist movements fighting for equality.

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Which modern movements challenged traditional philosophies and encouraged new political movements?

the enlightenment. It particularly encouraged new political movement when John Locke influenced political thought with his idea that authority derives solely from the consent of the governed as opposed to the old notion of the divine right of kings. Read more on -

What were some movements that influenced the enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution, Renaissance humanism, and the Protestant Reformation were influential movements that laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment. These movements challenged traditional beliefs and authority, encouraged critical thinking, and promoted empirical observation and rational inquiry.

What did were the movements that influenced the enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was influenced by several movements, including the Scientific Revolution, which emphasized reason and observation in understanding the natural world, and the Renaissance, which promoted humanism and a focus on individual potential. Additionally, the Protestant Reformation challenged traditional religious authority and encouraged questioning of established beliefs. These movements collectively fostered a spirit of intellectual inquiry and a desire for social change that characterized the Enlightenment.

What events were influential in the development of the Enlightenment?

Key events that influenced the development of the Enlightenment include the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Protestant Reformation. These movements challenged traditional authority, encouraged critical thinking, and emphasized the importance of reason, leading to the intellectual environment that paved the way for Enlightenment ideas.

What political and personal expectations arose from enlightenment philosophy?

Enlightenment philosophy gave rise to expectations of individual rights, equality, and democratic governance. Personally, it encouraged critical thinking, skepticism, and a focus on reason and science. Overall, it challenged traditional authority and sparked movements for political and social change.

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What was a consequence of the enlightenment?

Which of the following developments was a consequence of the enlightenment

What did enlightenment thinkers and writers set the stage for revolutionary movments?

Enlightenment thinkers and writers advocated for principles such as individual rights, reason, and social contract theory. Their ideas challenged traditional authority and sparked movements for liberty, equality, and democracy, laying the groundwork for revolutionary movements like the American and French Revolutions.

I have no wish to take life not even human life how does this relate to history?

Your stance aligns with the philosophies of nonviolence and pacifism, which have played significant roles in shaping historical events and social movements. Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for nonviolent resistance to achieve social and political change. By rejecting the use of violence, they were able to inspire movements that transformed societies and challenged unjust systems.

What influence did the reformation and the renaissance periods have on the enlightenment movements?

People challenged accepted beliefs and authority.

The enlightenment influenced revolutionary thought by?

promoting ideas of reason, individualism, and the rights of the people. Enlightenment thinkers challenged traditional authority and the notion of divine right, inspiring revolutionary movements that sought to establish democratic governance and protect human rights.

What are the Types of rhythmic movements in dancing?

There are five different types of rhythmic movements in traditional dancing. These include flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness movements.