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The Voyager 2 spacecraft.

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Q: What mission has given information about neptune?
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Name one mission satellite that has given information about Jupiter and Neptune?

NASA's Voyager 1 satellite completed mission fly-bys past Jupiter and Neptune. It passed Jupiter in 1979 and Neptune ten years later.

How is a mission to Neptune different to a mission to Mars?

neptune is better and this is dumb!

Has there been a mission or telescope that has given information about mercury?

Mariner Missions

What is one mission to Neptune?

Voyager 2

What is one mission that had given information about planet mercury?

Mariner 10 is one.

What is God's given purpose for Neptune?

Jesus gift is that Neptune has water!

How is the Apollo 11 mission to neptune different to the mars mission?

I dont know ask jacob curly!

What scientific information is there on Neptune?

my mum

What are the mission and discoveries on Neptune?

The space probe Voyager 2 passed close to Neptune in 1989 for purposes of observation. It also passed by its moons Nereid and Triton.

Where do you go for information about the plant Neptune?

the computer

What are nicknames for Neptune and why are they given to the planet?

Nicknames for Neptune include "The Ice Giant" and "The Blue Planet." These nicknames are given to the planet because Neptune is the farthest ice giant planet in our solar system and its blue color is due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere.

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Mars, Neptune, Uranus