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Q: What methods did the Roman Empire use to create stability?
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What does not describe Europe after that fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Unity and stability.

What was a natural disaster that threatened the stability of the Roman empire?

365 CE earthquake.

What did Otto I create?

Otto I created the (Medieval) Roman Empire, which was later called the Holy Roman Empire.

Why was the battle of Actium important?

It brought the Roman civil War to an end and allowed the beginning of stability within the Roman Empire.

What kind of empire did Mussolini want to create during world war two?

He wanted to create a new Roman Empire.

What is the name of the 180 years of relative peace that existed during the early part of roman empire?

This period of relative political stability within the Roman Empire has been called by historians Pax Romana (Roman Peace).

What were the roads like in ancient rome?

A Roman soldier didn't "drive" because cars were not invented until 1889, so none existed two thousand years ago. Roman soldiers walked, in fact, most people did unless they rode a horse, had a cart, or were on a boat/ship. (Since there were an insufficient number of horses on the road to cause an issue, the rules of "driving on the right/left" were not invented during that period.)

Did the byzantine empire create the roman colosseum?

No, The Byzantines did not construct the Colosseum.

Why are so many things from the Roman Empire?

It was long-lasting and oversaw improved culture and stability worthy of retaining.

Why was Hitler's vision to create the holy roman and creating a germen empire across the world?

With respect, Hitler's key territorial aim was to create a vast German empire in Eastern Europe. (There's no evidence that he wanted to revive the Holy Roman Empire).

Why did the Byzantine Empire flourish after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian was able to bring back many traits and traditions of the Roman empire. Justinian not only was able to revive the Roman Empire, but was able to create his own legacy. (yes, I am in AP World History)