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a bad check.

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Q: What metaphor does dr king use to express America's shortcomings towards people of color regaring its promise of life liberty and the pusuit of happiness?
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How do you convince a school board to let you start a religious group at your school?

Schools are not allowed to discriminate based on religion and the Supreme Court has repeatedly found in all cases, that Freedom of Speech is not to be censored, and that regaring religious practice or expression "Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof". In other words, the Bill of Rights does not stop at the schoolhouse doors. If it ever does one must realize (even the non-religious) that we have lost our democracy and allowed tyrany to take over. Therefore, if any school allows any other clubs or groups to form and use their facilities (the Gay Club, the Astrnonmy Club, the African American Club, etc.,) then they are bound by law to allow a religious group or club to also be formed and use their facilities. The one rule regarding schools is that the group must be student motivated and have enough people who would be interested (usually about 10). One can write or call the American Center for Law and Justice for complete information. Schools are not allowed to discriminate based on religion and the Supreme Court has repeatedly found in all cases, that Freedom of Speech is not to be censored, and that regaring religious practice or expression "Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof". In other words, the Bill of Rights does not stop at the schoolhouse doors. If it ever does one must realize (even the non-religious) that we have lost our democracy and allowed tyrany to take over. Therefore, if any school allows any other clubs or groups to form and use their facilities (the Gay Club, the Astrnonmy Club, the African American Club, etc.,) then they are bound by law to allow a religious group or club to also be formed and use their facilities. The one rule regarding schools is that the group must be student motivated and have enough people who would be interested (usually about 10). One can write or call the American Center for Law and Justice for complete information. Schools are not allowed to discriminate based on religion and the Supreme Court has repeatedly found in all cases, that Freedom of Speech is not to be censored, and that regaring religious practice or expression "Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof". In other words, the Bill of Rights does not stop at the schoolhouse doors. If it ever does one must realize (even the non-religious) that we have lost our democracy and allowed tyrany to take over. Therefore, if any school allows any other clubs or groups to form and use their facilities (the Gay Club, the Astrnonmy Club, the African American Club, etc.,) then they are bound by law to allow a religious group or club to also be formed and use their facilities. The one rule regarding schools is that the group must be student motivated and have enough people who would be interested (usually about 10). One can write or call the American Center for Law and Justice for complete information.

Share your experience on how a particular vitamin and mineral will help you?

experience doesn't actually matter. It is best known that vitamins and minerals help your body to function better. Vegetables and fruits are filled with them and various experiments have been made. They resently took two twins and put them under a specific diet. They used to eat very badly, fries, meat, no fruit, cakes, etc. By undergoing a diet with several amounts of vegetables and fruit a day, less meat, less oil, sugary food, after six weeks, they imediately saw the differences. It is important to eat at least 5 items of fruit/vegetables a day to make your body function well, for your skin to be healthy, for your eyes, muscles, heart, kidneys, etc etc to be working at its best. But if you want experience, I can give one simple example. I usually eat apples, one apple a day or maybe 2, or 3.. well, only after 1 to 2 weeks, after eating at least an apple a day, my skin was much more healthier, and I felt much better. But then I stopped eating apples, because I got tired of eating them all the time, and I noticed my cheeks weren't so red, my skin was greasy.. and it is known that apples are very good for your health. So what i did was stop choosing only one type of fruit to eat, I know like changing fruit, I eat lots of fruit, several a day, but different ones, and that makes you healthier, makes you enjoy the sweetness on the fuit, they are really delicious and you can eat them in so many ways. So like this, I never get tired of them, and I notice that they are fresh and make me feel good, less tired, help me walk and run better, and my skin and hair are much better. All in all, I just agree that a person should include fruit and vegetables in their diet since it is a rich way to put vitamins and minerals in your body that can help all the organs in it, make you more healthy. You will definitely see the differences, and be less probable to become ill or have diseases regaring your heart, fat, blood vessels, etc. Hope I helped :)