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Q: What media artist used for surrealism?
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Who is the most known surrealism artist?

Salvador Dalí.

Who was the first artist to use surrealism?

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What style did the famous artist Salvodor Dali paint in?


Surrealism most effectively used?

Surrealism effectively used realism to represent dream like, surreal scenes.

What historical events or art movements influenced artist M.C. Escher?

His work is Op Art.

Why is Surrealism strange?

The object of Surrealism is to fathom the unconscious. In order to do this artists used their dreams and free association.

How was Andy Warhol's art made Did he use media?

Yes, every artist uses media! Media is simply what the artist used to create their masterpiece's. Media can be anything, really. Andy mainly Andy stuck to silkscreening. He used such things like - silkscreen ink - synthetic polymer paint -gesso -screenprint -wall paper

Reasons why people made surrealism art?

Well, people made surrealism art because they were more imaginative than realistic. In school, we are learning about Salvador Dali, and he was a surrealistic artist. So yes there's your answer.

An artist who used the photographic stencil of photo screen for his or her images of media stars was?

Andy warhol

Who is the most famous surrealism artist?

Salvador Dali is probably the most famous, with a fair few memorable and recognisable paintings to his name!

What do surrealist use to paint?

In Surrealism Art they used : Oils on canvas, and water colours. In Surrealism Art they make small brush strokes for detail, when you look closely to this type of art it looks messy. But when you step back your eyes adjust so you can see what the artist has painted.

What is a mixed media artist?
