The Russian Empire technically ended on March 15, 1917 when Tsar Nicholas II formally abdicated the throne; however the February Revolution of 1917 is the event that made the abdication inevitable.
The Revolution of 1917 ended the tsarist regime and specifically the rule of the Romanovs. The Revolution was the result of the people's dissatisfaction with the government and tsarist rule. Russia's decadent aristocracy cared little for the severely oppressed and persecuted peasants, Jews and workers who lived under horrible conditions, including the frequent raids and slaughters of entire families. Even the military and the police were dissatisfied and participated in the revolution.
The main event that ended the Russian monarchy was the February Revolution. It was a spontaneous demonstration against the Tsar's government which turned riotous and spread to many other cities. The Tsar tried to order police and military forces to put down the riots, but they refused to obey him. In fact, many soldiers even joined in the riots.
Tsar Nicholas realized that the only way to end the violence was to abdicate his throne. He signed the abdication papers in March 1917 ending 300 years of the Romanov monarchy. The Provisional Government was instituted to govern the country until a Constituent Assembly could be seated, but the Provisional Government was overthrown in the October Revolution also known as the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik Revolution is not the revolution which ended the Russian monarchy, because the monarchy had already ended 8 months earlier.
In addition, the Tsar and his family were not killed during the Russian Revolution. They were kiled by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War in July 1918, nine months after the October Revolution had ended.
absoloute power or the Czar
The Monarchy was ended, he was arrested and convicted and then executed.
Please specify which monarchy you are referring to.
The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.
Yes. The Revolution overthrew the Romanovs and the took down the monarchy itself.
Russian communism ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. This event marked the end of the communist regime and contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet state.
absoloute power or the Czar
The Monarchy was ended, he was arrested and convicted and then executed.
Please specify which monarchy you are referring to.
Had the Russian Revolution not happened is a difficult historical concept. The removal from power of the Monarchy is obviously a pre requisite of a Republic. There is much in Russian history to suggest that had the Revolution not happened then the monarchy there would now be extremely powerful.
The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.
it brought down the Russian Monarchy
WW1 sparked the Bolshevik revolution because Tzar Nicholas sent millions of Russianpeasantsto their deaths on the front. This angered the Russian people and sparked the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik revolution pitted the Russian Monarchy against communists led byVladimirLenin. The Bolsheviks won, and the monarchy was murdered by extremists
The Battle of Stalingrad is generally regarded as significant because it was the first major defeat of German forces by Russian forces and marked the end of German expansion into Russian territory .