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Q: What makes this culture different from dominant mainstream religious in the Unted States?
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What difference subculture with counterculture?

A subculture is a smaller group within a larger society that shares common beliefs, behaviors, and values that distinguish them from the dominant culture. Whereas, a counterculture is a subculture that actively opposes or challenges the values and norms of the dominant culture. Countercultures often seek to bring about social or political change.

What do subcultures often have in common with mainstream culture?

Subcultures often share values, norms, and beliefs with mainstream culture, while also having their unique identities and practices. They may challenge dominant cultural norms and offer alternative perspectives, influencing mainstream culture in the process. Additionally, subcultures can evolve and influence mainstream culture over time.

What is a Assimilationism?

Assimilationism is a belief or policy advocating for the absorption of minority or different cultural groups into a dominant or larger culture, often at the expense of their own cultural identity and practices. The goal is for these groups to conform to the norms and values of the dominant culture.

What assumptions about mainstream culture were made by the counterculture?

Many assumptions about mainstream culture are made by the counterculture. One such assumption is that mainstream culture has life easier.

What does multicultural region mean?

Usually not every person in a region belongs to the dominant or mainstream culture's. some regions are multicultural. example: the united states and Canada coating other cultures besides the dominant one.

How do you use mainstream in a sentence?

the mainstream of American culture.

What is an example of a dominant culture and its subculture?

An example of a dominant culture could be American culture, while a subculture within it could be hip-hop culture. The dominant culture values individualism, consumerism, and the pursuit of the "American Dream," while hip-hop culture emphasizes expressions of creativity through music, dance, art, and fashion that challenge mainstream norms.

What did the process of assimilation mean for the new immigrants?

The process of assimilation for immigrants is that of fitting in with the current dominant culture rather than the dominant culture accommodating different cultural viewpoints and language.

What is the culture of NZ?

American culture is mainstream in New Zealand.

What is a subculture whose values and behaviors oppose mainstream culture?

A counterculture is a subculture whose values and behaviors oppose mainstream culture.

What is the meaning of not in the mainstream?

"Not in the mainstream" refers to something that is not part of the dominant or widely accepted thought, trend, or culture. It typically refers to ideas, practices, or individuals that are unconventional or alternative to what is considered the norm.