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Canada wasn't recognized as a country until much later, it was Britain and France occupied most of the land and it was Britain who showed aggression. But New York colony and the capitol was invaded and taken over

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Q: What major city was captured by canadians during the war of 1812?
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During the War of 1812 most Canadians?

Fought against the Americans.

What was the result in 1812?

The Canadians and the British won.

What were the major events during the 1812?

One was the defeat of Napoleon at Moscow.

Who captured Santa Fe?

Colonel Stephen W. Kearny captured Santa Fe in August of 1846. Kearny was from New Jersey and joined the army during the War of 1812.

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The British, led by General Robert Ross, captured and burned Washington, D.C. in 1814. This occurred during the War of 1812.