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Q: What major change was needed with the Articles of Confederation?
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At the convention to change the Articles of Confederation what major decision was reached early in the meetings?

dont no

What major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its?


What was the major accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation?

The Northwest Ordinance.

Which idea A major influence on the authors of the articles of Confederation?

The idea that a strong central government threatens the rights of the people and of the states was a major influence on the authors of the Articles of Confederation.

A major intention of the framers of the Articles of Confederation?

The intent of the framers of the Articles of Confederation was to create a small government. The framers also sought to create a cohesive Constitution.

What was the major emphasis on the Articles of Confederation?

a weak federal (central) government

How were major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention?

I think it was the Articles of Confederation?

What was one of the problems with the Articles of Confederation?

One of the major problems with the Articles of Confederation was the fact that the government had difficulty raising revenue. This made for a very weak central government.

A major problem with the articles of confederation was that the document?

Did not give congress the power to tax

The major lack of the Articles of Confederation in creating a true nation-state was?


According to the Articles of Confederation who maintain control of the major powers of government?

The states.

A major problem with the Articles of Confederation was that the document .?

Did not give congress the power to tax