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they settled near rivers and began to farm

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Q: What made the development of olmec civilization possible?
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What made the olmec civilization strong and powerful?

trade did

How much did the stone heads the olmec made weigh?

The stone heads made by the Olmec civilization weigh anywhere from 20 to 40 tons.

What assumption did archaeologists first make about the Olmec?

Archaeologists initially assumed that the Olmec were the mother culture of Mesoamerica due to their early development of complex society and advanced art styles. However, further research has shown that other ancient cultures in the region also made significant contributions to Mesoamerican civilization.

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The Development of Computers was made possible by the development of the transistor.

What do the terms Chimu Olmec Toltec refer too?

The Chimu were an indigenous civilization in Peru, the Olmec were an ancient civilization in Mesoamerica, and the Toltec were a civilization that preceded the Aztecs in central Mexico. Each of these civilizations made important contributions to art, architecture, and culture in their respective regions.

Which Pre-Columbian people specialized in lovely figures made of jade and huge stone heads?

The Olmec civilization is known for their large stone heads and jade figurines. They were an ancient Pre-Columbian civilization located in what is now modern-day Mexico. Their artistic work with jade and stone carving is particularly admired for its craftsmanship and beauty.

What natural feature made it possible for civilization to develop in Egypt?

The River Nile

What do olmec do for fun?

The Olmec Played a ball game. The ball was made of sap from the rubber tree

What evolutionary development made it possible from animals to move from the oceans to land?

development of lungs

Why were the eight features of civilization important?

they were important because they made a civilization possible without them the civilizations would not have lasted and would have ended up in chaos.

What contributions did Indo-European people make to the development of Western Civilization of the Ancient World?

they made plow i think

Why was agriculture necessary precondition for more sophisticated civilization?

The development of agriculture made early civilization posssible. Now they could feed groups of more than a few dozen.