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The Reign of Terror.

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Q: What made the French Revolution evil?
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What European Revolution made the guillotine famous?

The French Revolution.

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How do you say 'evil' in french?

The word for 'evil' in French is 'mal'.

Who made death made masks from wax during the French Revolution?

Madame Tussaud

Was the guillotine made in the Industrial Revolution?

The guillotine wasn't in the industrial revolution ( that is when machines took over jobs and factories started) it was in the French Revolution .

How to say evil in French?

Evil is 'mauvais' or 'diabolique' in French.

How do you spell evil in french?

"mal" is the French equivalent of "evil".

What is the French word for evil?

The french word for evil is mal

Who made the quote off with their heads during the French Revolution?

Marie Antoinette

Who secretly aided American troops in the American Revolution?

America was allies with France, who supported the Americans. The American Revolution inspired the French Revolution, but since the French Revolution was so bloody, Americans didn't openly support the French Revolution, which made the French annoyed.

The important contribution Napoleon Bonaparte made during the French Revolution?

He ended the Royalist counter-revolution with a whiff of grapeshot.

Which groups in the French Revolution benefited from the French Revolution?

The third estate, made up of peasants, artisans and workers, which was 97% of the population, were those who benefited from the French Revolution. In particular the Bourgeoisie, a section of the third estate who were relatively wealthy, such as bankers, lawyers, doctors and other similar professions, benefited the most from the French Revolution because the Revolution put them in power. The first and the second estates, meaning the clergy and nobility, were the groups that lost the most from the French Revolution. They would not recover their pre-Revolution position until the Congress of Vienna of 1815 reinstated the French monarchy.