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The Vietnam War destroyed two Presidential Administrations: Johnson refused to serve another term as US President; Nixon resigned from office. Johnson was sick of the war. Nixon was at war with the "anti-war" protesters. His sanctioned break in of the Watergate Hotel of anti-war people ultimately led to his resignation from the presidency.

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Q: What made president Nixon infamous?
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Are any Quakers famous?

The late U.S.A. President Nixon is one although some would perhaps describe him as infamous!

If Nixon's time as president was not infamous for the scandals that took place it would most likely be known for?

If the Nixon administration was not remembered for the scandals, he would most likely be known for strengthening the US relationship with China. Nixon was the first president to visit the People's Republic of China.

Who was the president when the Watergate scandal was uncovered?

Richard M. Nixon was the President implictated in the Watergate Scandal.

If Nixons time as president was not infamous for the scandals that took place it would most likely be known as?

If it wasn't "infamous", then it most likely would've been just standard (normal) presidential administration. Not too much to read about in the history books. President Nixon was know for foreign policy.

What solution did President Nixon implement?

Nixon made great progress in normalizing relation with Red China.

What scandal made President Nixon resign?

The Watergate Scandal.

Was Nixon the first president to be involved ina scandal?

No there were several before him including Harding's infamous teapot dome scandal and Grant's whiskey ring. Idk who was first.

When was the film about Nixon's cabinet All the President's Men made?


Who was the Vice President after Richard Nixon?

After Nixon resigned, VP Ford moved up to president and Nelson Rockefeller was made VP.

Who was President Nixon?

Gerald Ford replaced Nixon when he resigned his office.

Did Dwight become president after President Nixon?

No, President Nixon's term was from 1969-74. Then Gerald Ford was the 38th President from 1974-77. President Ford became president after Nixon!

Which bill is president Nixon?

President Nixon is not on any US currency.