

Best Answer

Broadly, the 17 parallel, but in detail mostly following the Ben Hai River.

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Q: What line split Vietnam into communist and non-communist territories?
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What country was once split into communist and democratic parts but is now reunited?

It is Germany,Germany was split but is now reunited

What political system ruled in Vietnam after the Vietnam War?

Vietnam was split into two separate governments after the end of the war. The North was controlled by a Communist government while the South had a government similar to democracy. But in 1975, Vietnam was reunified under Communist control; in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

What events and conditions caused growing conflicts between north and south Vietnam?

There was a threat of south Vietnam becoming communist .. and we of all countries did not want this to happen... it was known as the "domino effect" (named by President Eisenhower). This means that if one country falls to communism, they all will. What basically started all of the war was when a U.S. ship entered the Gulf of Tonkin. Northern Vietnam felt in danger because of our presence, so they fired at us. We had a reason to fire back so we did.

How did Vietnam end up being split in two?

The north was communist, the south was capitalist, which was determined by their supporter states, the USSR and the US after independence in 1954, however, this division was only meant to be temporary, with elections to re-unify the country. During the Nguyen Dynasty, The Nguyen agreed to leave half of Vietnam to the French. South Vietnam's ownership was transferred to US, and Communist Government tried to take over South Vietnam, which they successfully did.

What is Australia split into?

Australia is divided into six states and two territories.

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Is Vietnam split today?

Vietnam reunited in 1976 after the end of the Vietnam war, South Vietnam (democratic side) losing to North Vietnam (communist side).

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Because of the Geneva Convention, the cuty Japanese became monkeys and they were kiiled

The united states refused to support popular elections in vietnam in 1956 because they?

Feared that Vietnam would vote for a Communist government.

What country was once split into communist and democratic parts but is now reunited?

It is Germany,Germany was split but is now reunited

Was the split between the South and North Vietnam completely artificial?

No, North is communist whereas south is democratic

How was the outcome of Vietnam independence movement movement in 1954 similar to the outcome of India's independence movement in 1947?

India split up because of religious conflicts, but Vietnam split up because of political differences. (APEX)---> India and Vietnam were split up into multiple countries.

In what year did Vietnam split into North and South Vietnam?


How did post world was 2 independence movements in Vietnam differ from those in India?

India split up because of religious conflicts, but Vietnam split up because of political differences. (APEX)---> India and Vietnam were split up into multiple countries.

The United States prevented an election in south Vietnam because?

A Communist would likely win.

What political system ruled in Vietnam after the Vietnam War?

Vietnam was split into two separate governments after the end of the war. The North was controlled by a Communist government while the South had a government similar to democracy. But in 1975, Vietnam was reunified under Communist control; in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

What events and conditions caused growing conflicts between north and south Vietnam?

There was a threat of south Vietnam becoming communist .. and we of all countries did not want this to happen... it was known as the "domino effect" (named by President Eisenhower). This means that if one country falls to communism, they all will. What basically started all of the war was when a U.S. ship entered the Gulf of Tonkin. Northern Vietnam felt in danger because of our presence, so they fired at us. We had a reason to fire back so we did.

Where was Vietnam split?

17th Parallel.