The letter I is one example.
Legal documents often include a multipart signature line. That is, they have a line that looks like this: By_____________________ where one actually signs, and then a line that looks like this Its______________________ where one puts one?s title.
First line is ....Last name, first name and then middle name initial Second line is...the serial number of the person...if it starts with the letters US it means the person was drafted...if it starts with the letters RA it means the person enlisted and is part of the regular army...the first one or two letters after that means which (army, navy ect)he was inducted into (example #5 would mean the person was inducted into the 5th Army ect.) after that is just numbers give to that person. Third line is the letter T meaning tetanus shot and the date given (T52) and then after that on the same line is the blod tipe of the person Fifth line at the bottom of tag on the right side is a letter denoting religion (C would mean Catholic and so on)
Lots of shapes have symmertry so find out yourself LAZY1!
A trapezium has normally no lines of symmetry unless it is an isosceles trapezium which has 1 line of symmetry
Radial symmtry
Radial symmtry
a half dipwods
An equilateral triangle
it is 90
It has one line of vertical symmetry
It can have up to the number of sides on the base, but it need not have any.
you would get the letter t
The letter T.