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World War II was important because it gave millions of people jobs which gave them money to spend. As a final restult America emerged as a leading economic and military power.

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Q: What legacy did the World War 2 leave?
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his legacy was that he created a whole new level of evil and racial,most of which still exists today

What was Harry S Truman's presidential legacy?

he wanted to end the world war 2 and make japan surrender

Which country did Einstein leave before World War 2?

Germany .

Did Einstein leave France before world war 2?

No. Einstein left Switzerland before World War II.

How did World War 2 leave the world?

World War 2 left the world by US annoucing they entered the war, they bascialy gave no hope to the Germans, and Hilter's death was a major factor due to the war leader being dead.

Is the legacy fo World War 2 present today?

Yes, as is the legacy of WW 1 and of several previous wars. You could trace the present situation of the world back at least as far as Napoleon, if not to the Crusades and the Romans.

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