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Q: What legacy and continued conflicts stem from the cold war?
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Conflicts in a break with charity can arise due to misunderstandings, miscommunication, or differing opinions. They may stem from personal biases, lack of empathy, or a breakdown in trust. Ultimately, these conflicts can lead to division, resentment, and a breakdown in relationships within a community or organization.

Why should stem cell not be continued in point of religious leaders?

I have yet to meet any religious leader that is against stem cell research. The issue is not about stem cell research. What some religious leaders are against is the use of aborted children's stem cells for research. They have no issue with using adult stem cells or stems cells cultured.

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Different causes. Flus stem from viruses, food poisoing from bacteria.

What are religious conflicts?

Muslim and Christians. No Jewish

Should stem cell research still be continued?

I think it should, although it is horrible using unborn babies, it is very useful and can save a lot of future troubles. Stem cell research can cure diseases and make the world a better place.

What kind of conflicts happens in Cong An?

They are still fighting for peace, and the end of conflict is not in the immediate future. The major problems in the area stem from fighting over natural resources, such as water.

Why were there so many conflicts between rich and poor?

Conflicts between the rich and the poor often stem from disparities in wealth, power, and access to resources. The wealthy may be perceived as benefiting more from societal systems, leading to resentment and feelings of injustice among the poor. Economic inequalities and social injustices can exacerbate tensions and fuel conflicts between different socio-economic groups.

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its not the co.pper line its the faucet stem or angle stop

Why are there Conflicts on the Environment?

Conflicts on the environment often arise due to competing interests over resources, such as land, water, or minerals. Different groups, such as communities, industries, and governments, may have conflicting priorities on how to use these resources, leading to disputes over management and conservation practices. Additionally, environmental conflicts can stem from differences in values, beliefs, and ideologies related to the environment.

Which perspective argues that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which you have little awareness or control?

The psychoanalytic perspective, particularly Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, argues that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts that operate at an unconscious level. These forces stem from early childhood experiences and can shape one's personality and behaviors throughout life.

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Communal conflicts can stem from various factors, such as differences in religion, ethnicity, or political beliefs, competition for scarce resources, historical grievances, and social inequalities. These conflicts are often fueled by perceptions of discrimination, marginalization, or exclusion of certain groups within a community, leading to tensions and violence between different groups. Lack of effective governance, weak institutional mechanisms for conflict resolution, and external influences can also exacerbate communal conflicts.

What is the modified stem of the cactus called?

a PTO steam named Kale its a stem found in cold deserts and has been named Kale from the oldest cactus in the world of deserts this is one of the most commonest stem that has ever been found i think this stem is gonna be really helpful in a few years time and I'm glad you are so found of this...question from ...