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Paul Revere's ride started with two people and two horses, they met a third person on the way. They got caught by some British, but Paul Revere got away, one man was caught, and the other escaped also but no one knows where. Paul Revere deliJOHN CENAvered the message to leaders yelling up and down the street saying, "The Regulars are out!", not the British are coming like most people think. After the message was delivered, everyone was up and they fought the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

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11y ago

The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming. Longfellow wrote his poem on the eve of the civil war to remind people of the nation's history. Somehow the poem became part of history and was put into history books as fact. Revere never finished the ride, his horse was taken away and he was held by a British patrol, but thanks to Longfellow we all know who he is. He billed Congress for the ride and the cost of the horse since it was taken from him and it didn't belong to him. It was borrowed. His one big contribution was the picture on a flier after the Boston Massacre showing colonist getting shot by the British. This was pure Propaganda and was used to incite discontent between the colonist and the British troops.

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7y ago

general gage of England was going to collect the weapons stored in concord. Paul Revere heard about this and warned the militia that the British were coming.

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12y ago

Interesting about Paul Revere he only rode 2 miles but another of the rough riders rode much longer then him

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Q: What led to the midnight ride of Paul Revere?
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What historical events led up to Paul Revere's famous ride?

he had to meet his friend

The Boston tea party with Samuel Adams and Paul Revere?

Samuel Adams and Paul Revere led Patriots in throwing tea into Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes.

How is Paul Revere known for what he did?

Paul Revere is famous because he was the leader of the "Sons of Liberty" group and not only that. He was the person sent out to warn minutemen that the British were coming...They were coming to arrest some of the Puritans.The Puritans did not have many ammo during the war,so their saying was "Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes," which meant don't fire until they are very close.Read chapter 6 of Massachusettes Our Home for more information about Paul Revere. And?paul revere was famous for the boston tea partyPaul Revere was made famous by Longfellow's poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" in which he rode to warn the colonial militia that the British were advancing on April 18, 1775. ( Revere actually did not complete his ride, since he was stopped and another man , William Dawes ,actually delivered the warning message. -- see the link below for details.)Paul Revere made other contributions to the revolution and was a successful silversmith.The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming. Longfellow wrote his poem on the eve of the civil war to remind people of the nation's history. Somehow the poem became part of history and was put into history books as fact. Revere never finished the ride, his horse was taken away and he was held by a British patrol, but thanks to Longfellow we all know who he is. He billed Congress for the ride and the cost of the horse since it was taken from him and it didn't belong to him. It was borrowed. His one big contribution was the picture on a flier after the Boston Massacre showing colonist getting shot by the British. This was pure propaganda and was used to incite discontent between the colonist and the British troops.he is the guy that in the revolutionary war that went around saying the British are coming.He livedPaul Revere is most famous for his ride on April 18, 1775, where he warned the Massachusetts Provincial Congress that the British troops were approaching. From his warning, 40 more riders were dispatched to warn of the British soldiers' approach.paul rever is know for telling the colonist the redcoats were comingPaul Revere is famous because he was one of the riders who warned the towns that the British were coming so the townsmen could fight against the British. The British were heading to towns taking guns, like Lexington and Concord.

What did it mean for Paul Revere to carry two lanterns?

Paul Revere did not actually carry any lanterns during his famous ride. He had arranged for a look-out to observe British movements and display one or two lanterns in the tower of Old North Church. One lantern ment the British were advancing by land. Two lanterns ment the British would be crossing the Charles River by boat. Both paths led to Concord, but the attack route would determine defensive strategy. During the evening of April 18, 1775, Revere observed two lanterns in the church tower and began is ride.

Who suggested a new committee of Correspondence in Boston and most likey orginized the Boston tea party?

A group of indignant colonists, led by Samuel Adams , Paul Revere , and others, disguised as Native Americans.

Related questions

Where did Paul Revere make his midnight run?

Paul Revere's famous Midnight Ride began in Boston which led him to Cambridge where he followed a trail from Lexington leading to Concord. This famous ride took place on the evening of April 18 1775.

What historical events led up to Paul Revere's famous ride?

he had to meet his friend

Who led the minutemen in Massachusetts?

Paul revere

Who led the colonialists at Lexington?

i believe it was Paul revere

The Boston tea party with Samuel Adams and Paul Revere?

Samuel Adams and Paul Revere led Patriots in throwing tea into Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes.

What are events that are related to Paul Revere?

mostly he led in the boston tea party and he was in the boston massacre

How is Paul Revere known for what he did?

Paul Revere is famous because he was the leader of the "Sons of Liberty" group and not only that. He was the person sent out to warn minutemen that the British were coming...They were coming to arrest some of the Puritans.The Puritans did not have many ammo during the war,so their saying was "Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes," which meant don't fire until they are very close.Read chapter 6 of Massachusettes Our Home for more information about Paul Revere. And?paul revere was famous for the boston tea partyPaul Revere was made famous by Longfellow's poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" in which he rode to warn the colonial militia that the British were advancing on April 18, 1775. ( Revere actually did not complete his ride, since he was stopped and another man , William Dawes ,actually delivered the warning message. -- see the link below for details.)Paul Revere made other contributions to the revolution and was a successful silversmith.The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming. Longfellow wrote his poem on the eve of the civil war to remind people of the nation's history. Somehow the poem became part of history and was put into history books as fact. Revere never finished the ride, his horse was taken away and he was held by a British patrol, but thanks to Longfellow we all know who he is. He billed Congress for the ride and the cost of the horse since it was taken from him and it didn't belong to him. It was borrowed. His one big contribution was the picture on a flier after the Boston Massacre showing colonist getting shot by the British. This was pure propaganda and was used to incite discontent between the colonist and the British troops.he is the guy that in the revolutionary war that went around saying the British are coming.He livedPaul Revere is most famous for his ride on April 18, 1775, where he warned the Massachusetts Provincial Congress that the British troops were approaching. From his warning, 40 more riders were dispatched to warn of the British soldiers' approach.paul rever is know for telling the colonist the redcoats were comingPaul Revere is famous because he was one of the riders who warned the towns that the British were coming so the townsmen could fight against the British. The British were heading to towns taking guns, like Lexington and Concord.

What did it mean for Paul Revere to carry two lanterns?

Paul Revere did not actually carry any lanterns during his famous ride. He had arranged for a look-out to observe British movements and display one or two lanterns in the tower of Old North Church. One lantern ment the British were advancing by land. Two lanterns ment the British would be crossing the Charles River by boat. Both paths led to Concord, but the attack route would determine defensive strategy. During the evening of April 18, 1775, Revere observed two lanterns in the church tower and began is ride.

Who were the leaders of the Boston tea party?

Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and many other patriots led the Boston tea party

What plan did the colonist have to communicate if the British invaded?

On the night of April 18, 1775, the British army invaded across the Charles River toward Lexington. The Sons of Liberty's plan went into action. This plan led to Paul Revere's famous "Midnight Ride," where he and William Dawes rode from Boston to Lexington warn the Colonists of the British Army's movements. Paul Revere had also instructed Robert Newman, the sexton of the Old North Church, to send a signal by lantern to alert colonists in Charlestown as to the movements of the British. He told him to place one lantern in the steeple if the army moved "by land," and to use two lanterns to signal the route "by water." Ultimately, two lanterns were placed in the steeple, signaling the British advance "by water."

What plan did the colonists have to communicate if the british invaded?

On the night of April 18, 1775, the British army invaded across the Charles River toward Lexington. The Sons of Liberty's plan went into action. This plan led to Paul Revere's famous "Midnight Ride," where he and William Dawes rode from Boston to Lexington warn the Colonists of the British Army's movements. Paul Revere had also instructed Robert Newman, the sexton of the Old North Church, to send a signal by lantern to alert colonists in Charlestown as to the movements of the British. He told him to place one lantern in the steeple if the army moved "by land," and to use two lanterns to signal the route "by water." Ultimately, two lanterns were placed in the steeple, signaling the British advance "by water."

Who suggested a new committee of Correspondence in Boston and most likey orginized the Boston tea party?

A group of indignant colonists, led by Samuel Adams , Paul Revere , and others, disguised as Native Americans.