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Agricultural production

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Q: What led to production of more crops and livestock?
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How did agriculture change in the South in the late 1900's?

Here are some ways that agriculture changed in the south in the late 1900s:Farmers chose different crops in order to make higher profitsFarms became fewer, but more efficient.Mass production of livestock led to successful agribusinesses.Agribusiness led to larger farms.

Is farming included in agriculture?

Definitely. Agriculture is the production, processing, marketing, and use of foods, fibers and byproducts from plant crops and animals. Agriculture was the key development that led to the rise of human civilization, with the husbandry of domesticated animals and plants (i.e. crops) creating food surpluses that enabled the development of more densely populated and stratified societies. Agriculture or farming is divided into two types. Arable (crops) and livestock.

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What factors led to growth of cities?

humans developed a taste for cooked meat, as it is more energy efficient so those that could cook had to eat less, this then led to humans farming crops and livestock this then led to permanent settlements as there was no need to move when there was always a food supply.

Increased colonial production of staple crops like tobacco and rice led to?

it led to an increase in the number of slaves brought from america

What early medieval agricultural innovation led to a large increase in production?

Watermills, rotation of crops, AND heavy plow

How did agriculture change in the south in the late 1900s?

Here are some ways that agriculture changed in the south in the late 1900s:Farmers chose different crops in order to make higher profitsFarms became fewer, but more efficient.Mass production of livestock led to successful agribusinesses.Agribusiness led to larger farms.There were fewer farms, but they were larger.

What factors led to the growth of cities?

the industrial revolution led to a creation of many new jobs in american cities

The desire in the colonies to increase the production of staple crops like tobacco and r ice led to?

An increase in the number of slaves brought from Africa

What immediate need led to an invention in 1838 by john deere?

a system for harvesting crops more easily

What would a drug that increased translation in cells do?

it will led to more production of proteins which will be assimilated by the body.

What increased production and led to greater profits and a demand for more workers?

steam-powered machinery