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Q: What leader signed all 4 freedome documents?
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How do I know if there is a pre-payment penalty clause on my mortgage?

You need to read all the documents you signed at the closing.You need to read all the documents you signed at the closing.You need to read all the documents you signed at the closing.You need to read all the documents you signed at the closing.

When Court papers not signed by a judge?

If a judge has not signed court documents yet, they are not legally in use yet. Court documents are not legal until all parties and the judge have signed off on them.

Can a mortgage company keep you from renting your property?

Yes. You need to review all the documents you signed when you received the proceeds from the loan. Many lenders restrict loans to owner occupied property.Yes. You need to review all the documents you signed when you received the proceeds from the loan. Many lenders restrict loans to owner occupied property.Yes. You need to review all the documents you signed when you received the proceeds from the loan. Many lenders restrict loans to owner occupied property.Yes. You need to review all the documents you signed when you received the proceeds from the loan. Many lenders restrict loans to owner occupied property.

What plays did William Shakespeare sign?

He didn't sign any of them. All he signed was his will and some mortgage documents.

What was Benjamin Franklin's biggest achievement?

He signed all four major documents that formed the United States.

Can you sue a city for falsifying on legal documents?

If non custodial parents girlfriend took his daughter to physician for evaluation and signed all documents as if she was a custodial person is that illegal?? I have all the paperwork in my possesion.

Where was the World War two Treaty signed?

The Surrender Documents were created in Potsdam, Germany on July 11, 1945, and were signed by all the Allied and Axis powers but Japan. The war was officially ended on August 15, 1945, when Japan signed the Documents aboard the American Battleship, the USS Missouri.

Where does your name go on all documents?

In practically all cases, documents are signed at the end of the text. This is an indication that the signer has approved what went before, and usually anything added is considered to be excluded from the approval unless initialed.

Can a bank automatically take a payment out of a co signers acct if loan is late?

Yes, if that is what they agreed to when they co-signed the loan. Remember, when you co-sign a loan you are fully responsible for paying it if the primary borrower fails to pay. The co-signer should review all the documents they signed when the loan was granted.Yes, if that is what they agreed to when they co-signed the loan. Remember, when you co-sign a loan you are fully responsible for paying it if the primary borrower fails to pay. The co-signer should review all the documents they signed when the loan was granted.Yes, if that is what they agreed to when they co-signed the loan. Remember, when you co-sign a loan you are fully responsible for paying it if the primary borrower fails to pay. The co-signer should review all the documents they signed when the loan was granted.Yes, if that is what they agreed to when they co-signed the loan. Remember, when you co-sign a loan you are fully responsible for paying it if the primary borrower fails to pay. The co-signer should review all the documents they signed when the loan was granted.

Does a police report need to be signed and dated by the suspending officer?

All official reports must be signed and dated by the officer submitting them. Without a signature they are not "legal" documents in that it is impossible to determine their attribution.

What are variation documents?

Variation documents are official papers that detail changes or modifications to a contract, agreement, or project scope. These documents outline the alterations made to the original terms, such as changes in price, timeline, or specifications, and are signed by all parties involved to acknowledge and approve the variations.

How long does it take to receive your money after the sale of your house?

Once all documents have been signed, you should have a cheque from your solicitor within a week. (UK).