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Q: What leader Penn or Stuyvesant led his colony most like a leader in the US today?
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Why was William Penn a more successful leader than Peter Stuyvesant?

William Penn took a more peaceful approach to building a colony. Instead of attacking other colonies for land like Peter Stuyvesant, William Penn allowed religious freedom in his colony of Pennsylvania. Since he joined the Quakers, he believed in peace and harmony for all.

In which colony was William Penn a leader?

William Penn was the leader of Pennsylvania.

Who were the religious people in Pennsylvania in the colonial settlement?

QuakerWilliam Penn was a Quaker. The Quakers are known today as the "Religious Society of Friends."

What leader drew up charter that claimed the Delaware colony in 1682?

William Penn

William penn was the proprietor of pennsylvaniand this colony?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania. The colony was established to provide religious freedom. Today, Pennsylvania is called a Commonwealth.

Which great Quaker leader established Pennsylvania a colony of complete religious freedom?

willam penn

Which colony was established as a haven for the Quakers and why?

Pennsylvania was founded as a state of religious freedom by the Quakers. William Penn, who founded the colony on March 4, 1681, was the leader of this movement.

Was William penn a puritan leader?

William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania. He had no connection to the Puritans. Pennsylvania was established as a place where people were free to follow the dictates of their conscience. Penn himself was a Quaker.

William penn founded what colony?

William Penn founded the colony ofPennsylvania

Who were the religious leader in colonial Pennsylvania?

The leader of the Pennsylvania colony was William Penn, a devout Quaker who created the colony he had been awarded by King Charles II, as a refuge for Quakers. The colony also had a good deal of tolerance for other religions as well.

How did William Penn help the people in Delaware?

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Who was the governor of colonial Delaware?

Peter Minuit founded the colony of Delaware in 1683. Delaware was founded for trade and profitsThe colony of Delaware was founded by a man named Argall who was sailing for the Engilsh and he named it after his governor Lord Del La Warr.Peter Minuit