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enforcement acts

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Godfrey Smitham

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Q: What law did president Grant support to help protect African Americans civil rights?
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President grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

Which law did president grant support to help protect African Americans civil right?

Enforcement acts

Presdident Grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

What law did president grant support to help protect African Americans?

enforcement acts

Which law did president support to help protect African American civil right?

Enforcement acts

Which action did president Johnson take that showed he did not support greater rights for African Americans in the south?

President Andrew Johnson showed he did not support greater rights for African Americans in the south by vetoing the freedman's bureau and the civil rights act of 1868. President Johnson came into office after President Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

What commitments did president grant show through his support of the enforcement acts?

Protecting the rights of African Americans.

Why wasnt president Truman expected to win the 1948 election?

Some Americans disagreed with Truman's support of civil rights for African Americans.

Who the African Americans support and why?

I'm not American, but I am sure that African Americans support many different people and ideals. To assume that they all support the same thing is totally ridiculous and immature .

What politial party did African Americans support until 1936?

I think the African Americans were for the democratic party.......but I'm not sure.

Who did the African Americans support during American revolution?


Which law did president grant support to help protect African American civil rights apex?

enforcement acts