The Amharic is the vernacular dialect of Ethiopic that was spoken in Abyssinia.
St. Petersburg is a Russian city and the people there speak Russian.
The people of Hittites spoke the language of Nesite. It is an extinct language spoken by the people of Hittites who created an empire in modern day Turkey.
Other than English, there were several languages that were spoken in Massachusetts. Spanish was spoken the most, then Portuguese and Chinese.
Only French is spoken in paris.French
The Ethiopian Empire was known as the Kingdom of Aksum. The Kingdom traded ivory, gold, emeralds, tortoise shills, wheat, barley, camels, cattle, sheep, salt, iron, and animal skins.
The languages of the Songhai Empire in Africa included:SonghaiMalinkéMandinkaFulaniBozoSoninkeHausaMooré
The British Empire encompassed numerous territories and regions where multiple languages were spoken. Estimates vary, but it is believed that hundreds of different languages were spoken across the territories of the British Empire during its peak.
The languages of the ancient Toltec Empire included:NahuatlItza’MixtecZapotecTotonacOtomiPamePurépecha
Magadhi Prakrit was the main language of the Maurya Empire.
Pali and Prakrit
There were many languages which were spoken in the Roman Empire before the Romans arrived, Italic languages, Etruscan, Illyrian languages, Greek, Syriac, Phoenician, Hebrew, Egyptian, Berber languages, Iberian languages, Celtic languages. etc.
Cleopatra VII was believed to have spoken Greek, her native Egyptian, Latin, Aramaic, Syrian, and Ethiopian languages.
St. Petersburg is a Russian city and the people there speak Russian.
Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.
The people of Hittites spoke the language of Nesite. It is an extinct language spoken by the people of Hittites who created an empire in modern day Turkey.
Greek and Latin were the most commonly used languages in Constantinople during the Byzantine Empire. Later on, as the Ottoman Empire took control, Turkish became the predominant language spoken in the city.
Romance languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian, originated from Vulgar Latin, the colloquial form of Latin spoken by the common people of the Roman Empire. As the Roman Empire declined, Vulgar Latin evolved into different regional dialects, which eventually developed into distinct Romance languages. These languages were influenced by the languages spoken by the indigenous populations in different regions.