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Q: What languages were spoken in ancient Jericho?
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There is no record of the language(s) spoken by the ancient Beothuk people.

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The Celtic language was spoken by the ancients in the regon, but the language spoken in Britain is not known. It was not recorded.

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There are about 450 Languages spoken in India. But there is no such language as "Indian".

What languages were spoken by Aristotle?

Aristotle primarily spoke Ancient Greek, as he was born and lived in ancient Greece. He also likely had some knowledge of other languages spoken in the region at the time, such as Phoenician or Persian.

What is the greco-roman language?

Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.Technically there is no such thing as a Greco-Roman language. The term Greco-Roman refers to the combined cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The languages spoken were Latin and Greek. The languages were separate with a few crosswords words in both.

What languages are spoken in Teotihuacan Mexico?

Uxmal is an ancient Mayan city in Yukatán, the language spoken there was the Mayan language.

What languages were spoken in the Toltec Empire?

The languages of the ancient Toltec Empire included:NahuatlItza’MixtecZapotecTotonacOtomiPamePurépecha

What languages were spoken in ancient Libya?

Tamazight (Berber) and then Punic (Phoenician) then Greek.

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The language of the ancient Cole culture is unknown.

What language was spoken before the ancient Romans?

There were many languages which were spoken in the Roman Empire before the Romans arrived, Italic languages, Etruscan, Illyrian languages, Greek, Syriac, Phoenician, Hebrew, Egyptian, Berber languages, Iberian languages, Celtic languages. etc.

What languages are spoken in ancient Persia?

The main languages spoken in ancient Persia were Old Persian, Elamite, and Akkadian. Old Persian was the official language of the Achaemenid Empire, while Elamite was spoken in the region of Elam. Akkadian was also used as a diplomatic and administrative language in the region.

What were the various languages spoken by each group in Ancient Israel?

They spoke Hebrew and Aramaic.